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Once upon a time, there was this beautiful princess. She wasn’t a very happy princess, though. She was locked in a high tower, and at the bottom of the tower were guards and barbed wire surrounding it. The king and queen, her parents, thought she was crazy because of a disorder she didn't have. So, they locked her in.  And in this tower were other so-called crazy princesses and princes. This princess is me.

I’m not a princess though. The place I’m locked in isn’t a tower. My parents aren’t royalty. The guards and barbed wire are real. The other crazies locked in with me are real. And this tower is a mental hospital.

Let me tell you my story. I am Taj Moreno. I was born seventeen years ago.  It all started when I was born. The doctors said I had a disorder, but it was misdiagnosed. And then, I was put in. But today I get out.

There's one problem though. My parents think I'm dead. My uncle has no time for me. So I have no where to go. But I have freedom.

3:00 P.M.

When I'm discharged, I stand outside the hospital with no clue where I'm going. No sense of direction. Yet after 15 minutes, hope. A black Range Rover pulls into the hosipital driveway, where I'm standing. A husky, deep, accented voice says, "Taj? Ms. Moreno?"

"Yes," I reply.

The tinted window rolls down. I recognize that face. It's the face of the boy from the band my uncle manages. Who is it, again? Ah, I know him now. Harry Styles. Simon must've sent them.

"Good. Get in." He says. I don't refuse for a second. Believe it or not, I actually forgot what my uncle's band looked like. I didn't recognize Harry. When I get in, I see the most perfect boy. Dark hair, beautiful hazel eyes. I don't even catch myself staring. He snaps me out of my trance. How utterly embarrassing. "Taj," he says. "Taj, it's me, Zayn."

Zayn, I think to my self.

One word.


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