St. Mungo's and Their Awful Staff

Start from the beginning

            "Yes, it is but that ward also houses cases that don't really fit in with the other floors. And Miss Lovegood would need to stay longer than some patients so that she could learn to live without her missing body parts." The paper doesn't give out full details so the witch didn't know what exactly the patient had lost. That wasn't her business.  

            Harry nodded jerkily in understanding. "Since you know about the ward then I take it you don't need directions?" The question had been rhetorical. Harry scrunched his nose up at the obvious dismissal and didn't bother telling her thanks. He turned around and dragged Draco with him. "Some people shouldn't work in customer service." Harry told Draco loud enough that the Welcome Witch could hear him. The indignant gasp that followed them out of the room, pleased Harry to no end.

            Draco was thoroughly amused. "I love you, you know that?" Harry stopped pulling Draco and stared at him with a small smile. "You just like seeing me be mean to people." Harry countered.

            Draco laughed but didn't bother denying it. Harry kissed him softly. "I love you too." Draco felt a pulse through the bond and he sighed dreamily, ignoring the amusement coming from Harry. He knew he was a sap but it was entirely Harry's fault. He straightened up and pushed open the door that led to the ward that they were looking for.

            There was a giant desk in the shape of a half circle pressed against the wall. The hallway that led to all of the rooms was off to the left. There was no one around except for someone behind the desk, they were looking over parchments and frowning.

            "Excuse me?" Harry voiced softly. The person behind the desk lifted his head and scowled at them. Harry was taken aback. What was with the rudeness to this place? Wasn't a hospital supposed to be nice?

            "Can I help you?" Draco rolled his eyes at the polite question but the crass tone. Just saying the words isn't enough to come across as friendly.    

            "We are looking for Luna Lovegood." Harry forced a polite smile on his face. The man pulled out a giant tome and looked through it.

            "She isn't here." The finality to his tone made Harry narrow his eyes. "What do you mean she isn't here? The lady at the front desk told us that she was." He spoke through gritted teeth.

            "Well." The man said slowly as if they were stupid. "She was obviously wrong. Miss Lovegood checked herself out about an hour ago."

            "Obviously, someone isn't doing their job properly if she left an hour ago but word hadn't reached the welcome desk downstairs." Draco countered, clearly implying that it was this man's fault.

            The man huffed out before glaring at Draco. "Regardless, she is no longer here. So if you are done wasting my time, I have lives to save." He puffed out his chest and stalked away not even bothering to look back.

            "Save lives my arse. Harry if I ever need to be taken to a hospital, don't bother sending me here. I think I would prefer muggles." Harry chuckled at the serious way Draco said muggles, like this was the worst thing he ever could have said.

            "Harry?" A timid voice interrupted whatever it was that Harry was about to say. They both turned around rapidly and raised their brows when they realized that Neville Longbottom was staring at them both with curious expressions.



            Neville raised his brows as he stared at the two people in front of him. It was obvious which one of them was supposed to be Harry. Even if he ignored that Harry had called him by his first name, there was just a friendliness to Harry that no one else seemed to have. He would be able to spot Harry in a crowd of people heavily disguised.

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