"I love you too." I say, smiling as she cuddles further into me.


When Ash comes back, she looks over at us and points at Y/N, so I look down and smile when I see that she's asleep.

"Cute." Ash says and I smile.

"She is, isn't she?" I ask, kissing Y/N's forehead. We sit in silence for a while, just doing our own thing, Y/N still sleeping, Ash scrolling through something, and I'm reading while playing with Y/N's hair.

"Tobs." Y/N groans out, sitting up and I look over at her. "Stop. I'm not gonna sleep tonight if you put me back to sleep." Y/N whines and I smile at her.

"Okay baby, I'm sorry, I'll stop. Come back." I say and she gets up anyway.

"In a minute." She says.

"You gotta pee." Ash says and Y/N nods.

"Fight me, Harris."

"Go to the bathroom." I say and Y/N scurries off adorably, so I turn to face Ash.

"Bladder. Of a squirrel." Ash says and I chuckle.

"You leave my squirrel bladdered girlfriend alone." I say and she smiles.

"You guys are cute."

"Damn right we are." I hear Y/N say as she jumps onto the bed, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me backward, turning me onto my back.

"Hello." I say and she smiles.

"Greetings." She says before kissing me softly. "Let's go get food." She says and I shrug, getting up and following her out of the hotel room.


In the morning, I wake up to Y/N hanging off her bed, reading on her phone.

"Is a fictional version of Tobin being stupid again?" I ask and Y/N moves her phone to the side, looks at me for a second, looks back at her phone, before returning her focus to me and nods.

"Yep." She says and I chuckle.

"Why do you read stories about her anyway? You've got the real thing." I ask and Y/N shrugs, letting herself slip to the floor before sitting up like a regular human.

"I like seeing the creativity of the fans." Y/N says and I chuckle.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast so we can do our shit before the game."

"I've been ready for an hour." Y/N says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shit, okay." I say and she nods as I get up and get ready for breakfast, once I'm dressed, we go down to breakfast and eat quietly before heading to the field for Y/N to work on her striking and me on my shit. When we get back to the hotel, we relax until two, when we all get on the bus and settle in for the ride to the stadium, we've got an hour before kick off, so we start getting ready right off the bat, well, Tobin does. We all take our time. Y/N changes into her shorts and grabs her socks, still in her regular t-shirt on her way to the training room.


When I get into the training room, I hop up on the table and watch as Paul wraps my ankle for me and once he's done, I fight to get my sock on my foot before putting the other one on and leaving the training room, once I get back into the locker room, I go over to my locker and grab my jersey, take it off the hanger it's on, and slip it on before pulling my half zip on, sitting in my locker so I can put my shin pads and cleats on, since my chair disappeared while I was in the training room. When we go out to warm up, we begin loosening up and joking around, so when we get into the locker room, it's not tense or anything as Carli speaks to us. I'm not starting today, so I go sit on the bench with the subs as the starters stand on the field and when the game starts, I watch the game as it goes on and look over when Dawn calls my name.

Talex Who (Tobin/You)Where stories live. Discover now