Chapter 22: Alone with you

Start from the beginning

But her silence and the way she fidgeted made me sigh as I edged near her since we were sitting on cushions, I felt her tense but when she looked at me, her eyes were round and it was as if she was waiting for something from me.

Well, here goes...

"The bathroom..." I began lamely as I tried to take her hand. " I scared you didn't I?"

She looked at me before she slowly shook her head, a small smile formed as she squeezed my hand tenderly.

"I was a little freaked out at first, then you turned pensive and quiet so I was worried that you might just ignore what happened and pretend it was a normal happenstance." she slid closer until I had an arm around her waist and she was curled up against me. "Thank God, you opened up the subject."

"I'm sorry. I know that this might seem crazy but I am not the only one with..." I struggled with my words.

"Gifts? Powers?" she provided certain fillers making me laugh dryly.

"In a way, yes. The Royal family has always been gifted thanks to the bloodline of the Seer Lady. Some have strong powers but most have weaker ones that do not pose any threats to normal humans."

She murmured and then kept quiet which made me nervous until she looked up at me with curious gray eyes.

"Cat said I have inherited Henry's gift of dreams and we both saw for ourselves that this is true. What kind of power do you have?" she asked, her voice was devoid of fear so I took a deep breath and gave her some information.

"My voice can make any person do whatever I tell them when I chose to use it. Even a faint whisper can allow me control of a person's actions; It was...a hassle to control as a kid because my emotions are always sensitive. I have a better grasp of it now so never worry that I might harm you with it." I hugged her tightly, making her squeak. "Sorry."

The innate fear of losing her must have leaked out in the way I touched her for she merely relaxed and hugged me back, her face nuzzling my neck.

"You did nothing to hurt me. I was surprised but I can see now that you won't harm me." her small hands were suddenly stroking my tense back, touching my stiff muscles and make me feel more relaxed.

It was some time before the shock wore off, I cannot believe she could accept me like this. Most women would develop a degree of fear knowing that I can control them at any time but she is different...

She trusts me to not use my gift on her and is now easing my own fear of losing her as a lover. My heartfelt a slight twinge of pain and longing when her stroking stopped and soon soft snores on my chest made me look down. She seems to be drifting off to sleep.

Her damp clothes were slightly dry but a slight sniffle then a soft sneeze from her made me lift her up and head for the guest room upstairs in where Xana usually lives.

Since he will be stuck in his workshop next door, it grants us some privacy as I laid her in bed and gently pulled out her damp clothes; she resisted at first but when I insisted she let me take off her clothes.

Even then, I can't help but feel warm as the firelight danced over her body. She was still so petite yet the light played over her naked curves so erotically, The usual lust still burns within me but somehow there is also love and care as I tucked her in after putting her in one of the extra shirts I found in the cabinet.

Wrapped snuggly in the bed quilts and blankets, she looked so young, and yet I cannot pull myself away from her even as I laid her clothes to dry by the fireplace. Small shivers and moans soon came from the bed and I saw that the covers were not enough to keep her warm.

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now