The Truth Never Set Me Free, So I Did It Myself

Start from the beginning

Every other minute I would glance at Alex and watch him study the posters that covered the walls of the classroom, picking apart every project or math standard that was carefully pinned up. Once in a while he would catch me staring at him, and redirect his attention to whatever Mr. Marcus was rambling about. At which point, I would try to tune in to the lecture as well, lacking something better to do.

After a couple of minutes of trying to absorb the mind numbing formulas and numbers that made absolutely no sense to me, I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. I thanked the heavens for my placement toward the back of the classroom, and slipped the device out of my pocket to see a text from Alex:

so i guess we never really got to finish our talk earlier, were you gonna say something?

yeah, i don't really want to tell you like this though. you wanna come over to mine later?

yeah, but my mom doesn't want me going out because she still thinks im sick, so i'll be there later later, is that ok?

sounds good

I slid my phone back into my pocket, trying my best to focus on the rest of the lesson, but fuck. I couldn't really concentrate on cosines and tangents when Alex was coming over tonight to talk about our fucking superpowers. Even saying it in my head made me feel like a crazy person. 


It was safe to say that I was a little nervous.

Ok. I was really nervous. I checked my wall clock again. It was 10:15. Five minutes later than it had been at 10:10 when I checked it last. I sat on the edge of my bed and listened as the ticking that emanated from the hands of the god awful time keeper bounced off the walls of my bedroom and amplified the silence in which I sat. I fucking hated that clock, but I was too damn lazy to actually get a ladder and take it down.

What time did Alex say he was going to be here again? Oh yeah. The bastard didn't. He just said "later". When was later supposed to be? I was going to need to talk to him about his lack of punctuality and clarity once he finally shows up.

I had gotten close to actually drifting off when a knock on my window sent me flying ten feet off of my bed and clutching my heart. Across the room Alex was dying of laughter from outside my window. I frowned walking over and unlocking it for him.

"A little jumpy are we?" he asked stepping inside.

"No, just got tired waiting for you to get here. You didn't really specify when you were gonna show up."

"Sorry, didn't know you went to bed at 9:30."

"For your information, it's actually 10:30."

"Oh boohoo. I mean, I can leave if you're that tired..." he said making a slow turn toward the window.

"No, no. We need to talk," I said grabbing his arm. I had a feeling he wasn't really planning on leaving, but I wasn't taking any chances. 

"Oh yeah. Forgot. That's what I uh, came here for. I'm just warning you beforehand though, I'm not really good at the whole 'talking' thing, so try not to get frustrated with me," he cautioned. Wait a minute. What was that noise? "So uh, how do you wanna do this? I mean, I guess we could just-"

"Shhh!" I snapped, holding my finger up to Alex's lips in an attempt to get him to stop talking. He looked at me, waiting for some sort of answer to my sudden outburst and physical contact with his face. 

"What's the problem?" he asked, removing my hand from his mouth.

"I thought I heard footsteps."

Redesign Me, State of the Art (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now