Chapter Six

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Dedicated to Miss @CaralineTrancy for her birthday. I hope your day's been wonderful, and that this chapter counts as a present of sorts. Song for this chapter is 'Restless Heart Syndrome' by Green Day, provided on the side. Enjoy~

The next morning, like any other morning, Sebastian pulled back the floor-length curtains in Ciel's room, allowing the sunlight to pour in. With every footstep, his shoes clicked against the floor as he walked over to Ciel's bedside, pulling the covers off of the boy. "My Lord, it is time for you to wake up." he stated, nudging the small boy curled up in his bed.

"Is it that time already?" Ciel mumbled, his eyes barely open to face Sebastian. "Let me get some bloody sleep, will you?" he grumbled as he pulled the sheets away from his butler, attempting to conceal himself from the world by hiding under his blankets. 

Sebastian shook his head, frustrated. He walked over to the cart he had brought in from the kitchen. On the top shelf of the cart lay a steaming pot of tea, along with a single cup, waiting to have the Earl Grey flow into it. He grabbed the teapot, carefully pouring the hot liquid into the empty cup. "Sadly, my lord, I cannot allow you to do so. You have to meet Madam Red and Lady Grell downstairs for breakfast."

Ciel slipped his bare legs out from underneath the covers, sitting on the edge of his bed. He gladly took the cup of tea from Sebastian, sipping from it with care. Still drowsy, his eyelids hung over his eyes, refusing to allow him to fully wake up. "Madam Red suggested it, didn't she?" he muttered.

"Yes she did, My Lord." Sebastian answered faithfully as he stepped over to Ciel's closet, pulling out a short olive green trench coat with matching knee-length shorts. "I met with her in the hallway earlier this morning and she said she'd like a meal with her nephew this morning." He explained as he returned to Ciel's beside.

Irritated, Ciel rubbed his temple with his fingers, scrunching his eyes closed even tighter. "I swear, that woman... She thinks it's Auntie Anne and Ciel bonding time, but I find it bloody bothersome. If anything, I think she and her own daughter need some mother-daughter bonding, it seems the two of them don't get along very well with each other." He complained as Sebastian began to help dress him. Although Ciel was thirteen and fully capable of doing so himself, it was Sebastian's duty to help him, even with the littlest of things.

"Now, My Lord, don't be like that. Your aunt just wants to have a special relationship with her nephew. After the tragedy with your parents and after losing her husband, you're almost all she has left." Sebastian stated, buttoning the top row of studs on Ciel's coat.

"Don't bring my parents into this, Sebastian." Ciel snapped. The one thing he hated more than anything was the loss of his parents being mentioned. Living without them for two years had been hard enough, especially since he inherited everything his family owned when he was only eleven. "And she has Grell now, why can't she just leave me alone? She knows that I prefer spending time in my own company, anyway."

"Because she doesn't want you to be alone," Sebastian explained. He reached over to the nightstand, picking up the black cloth eyepatch that sat on it. He tied the eyewear expertly around Ciel's head, concealing the young Earl's right eye. Sebastian stood back and admired his work, a ready-for-the-day Ciel. His gaze met with that of his master's, Ciel's exposed blue eye staring up at Sebastian lifelessly. "So, shall we proceed to the dining hall?"

"I suppose," Ciel sighed as he stood from his bedside, leaving the teacup once full of Earl Grey on the nightstand. He followed Sebastian through the halls of the Phantomhive manor, allowing the butler to lead the way. Almost halfway through the silent trip to the dining room with him butler, Ciel decided to pipe up. "Sebastian?" he asked curiously. "May I ask you something."

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