Chapter Four

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Song for this chapter is 'Demolition Lovers' by My Chemical Romance, provided on the side. Enjoy~

"Grell, I'd like to introduce you to Lords and Lady Spears," Madam Red announced, gesturing to the baron, his son, and his wife as she mentioned them. The baroness had planned the meet-up with the other nobles at a small cafe, located on the outskirts of London. Grell bobbed a curtsy to the three nobles before her, she knew she'd have to make a nice impression on them.

"G-Good afternoon," Grell muttered shyly, her gaze lazily focused down at the floor, too shy to face the other nobles. She alrady knew that since her timidness had taken over, her mother was already ashamed and Lord and Lady Spears were dissatisfied.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry my newphew Ciel is late, I suspected he would've arrived on time." Madam Red laughed, recieving only a nod from the Lord. A young waitress whisked them away to a table, and the party of nobles followed. As the Spears family had their backs turned to them, Madam Red took the indicative to nudge Grell with her elbow, glaring down at her. "Not so bashful, Grell. This is the first time you've had an opportunity like this, and if you keep acting like you are, it may be your last." the baroness hissed.

Understanding her mother's threat, Grell swallowed her fear and nodded, showing that she understood. Madam Red starightened herself out, and the two continued after and joined the other aristocratic family, who was seated at a table set for six near the window. As hard as she tried, Grell couldn't contain her timidity, unable to face anyone or participate in conversation. She stared blankly out of the window as her mother dove into a deep discussion with Lord Spears, as the two were both employed in the medical career. 

The waitress had returned, carrying a platter with teacups and a steaming teapot. After the hot beverage was poured out, one cup for everyone, it was served. Grell cupped hers in her hands, looking vacantly into the drink. While Madam Red continued to converse with Lord and Lady Spears, William took the initiative to speak with Grell. "You look lovely this afternoon, m'lady," He said, his voice soft, trying to make conversation.

Surprised by the compliment, Grell turned her attention to William, who sat before her. She felt her cheeks flushing red, no one but Sebastian had ever said that to her. She looked away shyly, concealing a nervous laugh. "Well, thank you. You looking quite well yourself, my lord."

He closed his eyes and shook his head, a hint of a smile creeping at his lips. "Please, call me William. Will, even if you please. I quite dislike the title I've been called," William said as he took a sip from his tea.

"A-Alright then, Will..." Grell muttered.

An almost-smile laid on his lips, yet still his face remained serious. His eyes darted over to his parents and Madam Red, noticing that the three of them were engrossed into their conversation. "I doubt they'd realize if we left, why don't we?" William asked Grell the question in a low whisper. "Tea-time's not exactly my thing, either."

Grell was taken aback by his question. To go around courting with another man without a chaperone was unthought of. Only those men and women who were engaged or married could go out with each other. To be caught doing so while not of that status could possibly ruin a lady's reputation. If they were caught by anybody she knew, Grell would ruin any chance she ever had to be married.

Without waiting for a response, William silently slipped out of his chair and took Grell's hands in his, sneaking her along with him. Grell knew that if she protested, she'd cause a scene in the small bistro, which was unnecessary and unladylike. Quietly and obediently, Grell followed William outside and onto the streets.

"So, shall we, er, walk?" William asked, his voice slightly wavering. Out of the dimly-lit bistro and into the sunlight, Grell could take in William's appearance better. He was a tall, young man who wasn't much older than herself. His black hair was slicked out of his face, falling short above his neck. His striking jade green eyes, although obscured by his glases, sparkled in the late afternoon sun. 

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