Candles and Roses

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I was sitting in the couch at home, goddamnit those boys are so childish... I shake my head and look at the time, they had been gone for 2 hours now. I hope Marshall actually took Brian to the hospital and isn't digging his body down somewhere...

My phone plings, I pick it up and look at the message from Brian, he's alive at least. 

B: I need painkillers, can you buy me some quick? I sigh and shake my head to myself.

"Marshall, you need to control your anger..." I mutter to myself.

A: Of course, and Im apologizing on Marshall's behalf... Ill leave to buy it now so it shouldn't take too long. 

B: Okay, thank you.

I get up and pull on one of Marshalls hoodies over my top and pull on some jeans quick and put on my Nike's, I walk out with my purse and get in my car and drive off to the mall, I frown. The lights were off, goddamnit... There's no other store that has the painkillers I need... I sigh and put on my sunglasses and pull the hood over my head, we could try the "I'm a celebrity" trick? I mean, whats the worst that could happen? I could get a no. 

I get out the car and lock it behind me and walk over the parking lot and towards the doors, the only thing that would blow now is that nobody is even in there--- I frown as the automatic doors opened. 

I thought it was closed... I look at the floor and step in closer as I saw a paper of some sort lay on the floor. I pick it up and turn the page over, it was a picture of me and Marshall... Smiling and laughing with each other, I smile a little, then frown again. Why the hell is there a photo of me and Marshall in a closed down mall!? 

I slowly started remembering.

All those years ago...

No... You're shitting me... 

I look up to see the doors in front of me open, they had been covered in black so I couldn't look inside. I get big eyes and stand up straight, lit candles formed a path forwards into the mall with rose petals covering the path between the candles on either side. I sniffle a little and smile. 

I look around and walk in slowly, following the roses and the candlelit path further inside the mall as tears streamed down my cheeks. I'm ruining my make up oh my god... I giggle a little and smile as I looked around, I slowly made my way down the path and squeal as something pushed into the back of me and made me fall backwards into a shopping cart, however I landed safely as I heard a familiar grunt.. I was laying on his chest, between his legs.

"You just had to land between my legs didn't ya..." Marshall says behind me with a laugh.

"Not my fault you're a little whore and spread your legs at any chance you get..." I sniffle with a laugh and close my eyes and rest my head on his chest as the cart rolled forwards, he strokes through my hair with a smile, I frown and look at him as I had my hand on his chest. "...Are you wearing a suit, Marshall Mathers?" He chuckles and helps me up from the cart,  I stood in a circle of candles surrounding me, I look around with a smile. "You really did an effort on this..." I say and look around, then turn back to him and saw he was on his knees in the cart, holding up a little box with the ring in it to me, I sniffle and wipe my cheeks again as he lets out a chuckle.

"I promised that I'd do this." He says with a smile.

"I know, but it's so beautiful anyways..." I smile back, he smirks and cleanse his throat.

"Alexis Marie Cubard. Since we were kids you've always been by my side, you've always told me straight up what you mean and never once left my side, at least not on purpose." He adds, I cover my mouth as i try to control my continuous sobbing. "I've always known you were special, I've always cared a lot about you and since we were teens I havent stopped loving you. When we lost contact, it didn't go a day without me thinking of you. And it was hell to not know where you were... And I don't want to lose you again. Therefore... I wanna ask you to do me the greatest honor ever... Whitegirl, will you marry me?" He asks as he looks at me with his baby blue eyes and little smirk on his lips as he saw I cried a little more when he called me that.

"You're so corny, Whiteboy... Yes! Yes yes yes..." I smile and he gets up from the cart and get out of it, he puts the ring on my finger and pulls me close and kisses my lips with a smile.

"Wooo, hashtag AleMa!" I frown and let go of the kiss.

"Hashtag Lama??" I ask as Brian walks out from the darkness holding a camera.

"ALEMA. Your shipping name." He says with a smile. "Congratiolations you guys." He gives me a hug as Marshall stood behind me with a confused look on his face. "How are you feeling?" Brian asks me as he lets go of the hug.

"Why would you ship someone?" Marshall asks confused, i look at him and smile.

"You seriously have to keep up. You're a dinosaur." I smile and put my arms around his neck as i look in his eyes, he smiles and put his hands on my hips.

"You'll teach me... Cause I'll always have you by my side now." I smile and stroke his cheek.

"I have always been by your side, Mickey. Always." I kiss his nose. 

"Physically then." He chuckles and we start walking out the mall.

"Guys? There's still a lot of candles here!" Brian says behind us with a chuckle, I look at Marshall as he winks at me. 

"What do you wanna do now? Go home?" I ask him with a little giggle.

"Hell yeah, I wanna do something else too..." He smirks.

"Oh do you now? What if I just wanna sleep and have your strong arms around me?" I smile and look at him.

"I'd be happy to hold you for the rest of our lives." He smiles.

"Guys? There's like... A shit ton of candles and roses in here!" Brian yells again as we walk out the mall through the automatic doors.

"We're so mean..." I hide my face in his bicep as I walk next to him.

"Nah, you can blame me." He smirks.


"Oh shut up, Brian." I laugh and we get in the car and drive off while holding hands...

"I love you, Whitegirl." He smiles and looks at me, I look back at him as he looked back at the road.

"I love you too, whiteboy..." 

~ The End ~

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