I hope I'll find it quick...

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I tap my fingers on the wooden table in front of me thoughtfully and nibble my bottom lip, I look over at Marshall quietly. He was sitting beside me, chewing on his thumbnail with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Maybe I actually killed him and someone just wanted to get rid of the body for me?" He says low, I roll my eyes and shake my head and scratch the back of my head, I frown and feel my collar bone. I gasp, which causes Marshall to look at me and see I was having my hands on my collarbone. "What? You noticing you've gotten thinner?" He chuckles, I slap his knee and get up. I jog up the stairs and to our bedroom.

I have probably forgotten to put it on today! That's it! Yes!

I swallow hard and rummage through my drawers and places I could have put it, nothing... Not a damn thing!!

"No, no... Where is it!" I yell frustrated and turn the room upside down before Marshall even got up the stairs.

"What you looking for---What the hell are you on?" I frown and meet his gaze. Really? He doesn't ask: What the hell are you DOING or anything normal, instead he asks what kind of drugs I'm on. Jesus Christ, he's messed up...

"I can't find my necklace, Marshall!" I whine and look around the room one more time, he frowns.

"What necklace?" He asks and flip the mattress back in place on the bed and sits down in it, I grunt at him and throw a pillow at his face, I giggle a little as the pillow was stuck to his face a little and he just stood still and waited on the pillow to fall off of him itself.  Which it did, after a few minutes of me almost getting to the point of laughing my ass off. I'm very helpful like that. He chuckles a little as he saw me laugh like that and shake his head at me. "No, but really though... What necklace?" I sit down beside him and stop laughing.

"THE necklace." I look at him. "The necklace you gave me when I moved from Detroit to New York with my mom." I sigh.

"...Oh..." He frowns. "Don't you wear that shit every day? And besides, I can buy you a new one. A better one." He nods, I shake my head and rest my head on his shoulder.

"That's impossible... It's not just the necklace Marshall... I kept the note you gave me with it inside it at all times... It wasn't a mistake, Alex... I love you..." I look at him as he meets my gaze. "That was the first time you told me you loved me... You can't beat that even if you tried to, honestly... Oh god, what if I've lost it!" I whine and hide my face with my hands with a loud groan.

"I'm sure it's somewhere here in this... Mess." He lays down in the bed, causing me to sink down on his chest slowly, he put his arm around me. "You'll find it sooner than you'll know it." He says reassuring, I lay there quietly on his chest with a frown.

"I'm sure I put it on this morning... You came into the bathroom when I got ready, can you remember me wearing the necklace?" He gets quiet, I look up at him and look at his thinking eyes and poke his nose slowly, causing him to struggle to not laugh and biting his lip hard. He looks down at me and meets my gaze. 

"I think you did... Yeah, you asked me to help you put it on and shit." He nods, I sigh and rest my head on his chest again. 

"Then it can be anywhere in the house..." I mumble. "Why does your house have to be so goddamn big?" He laughs at that.

"Aye, I gotta be allowed to use SOME money." He chuckles, I just close my eyes.

"I'm serious, it's so much to look through... I really wanna find the necklace Marshall... It means everything to me, the memories, the thought, the note... Everything about it... Makes me think back to the day you gave it to me..." I smile at the memory and stroke my empty neck slowly. "You were wearing that dark blue beanie... That HUGE hooded jacket, a big grey t-shirt, huge sweats... And those old, worn out Nike's..." He chuckles lightly at the memories coming back to him as well.

"I thought I'd never see you again, honestly... I call that day the day a living hell was born. When Slim Shady came alive. I hid my feelings to everyone cause if I hadn't, I'd be crying every goddamn day cause I missed you so much..." He looks up in the ceiling with a sad frown on his face. "At least I found you again after losing you..." I sigh and pat his chest gently.

"I remember when you told me to close my eyes... And then you put the necklace around my neck and the metal felt so cold..." I smile a little. "A picture on the front of the necklace of you and me... And you told me that if I ever thought you---"

"Don't open it until you think I've forgotten you, aight?" He quotes himself, I smile up at him.

"That..." I giggle, then sigh and stare in front of me. "I just hope I'll find it... And that I haven't lost it forever..."

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