It's been gone for so long

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I sat downstairs in the couch, hugging my legs as I looked out the window a the rain thoughtfully. Where could it be?

It had now been several weeks since the last time I saw the necklace I got from Marshall all those years ago, our special necklace. I just couldn't get my head around it, where the hell is it?

I had searched all over the house, and the house is pretty massive, in every little corner of every room and nothing. Not a damn thing.

I sigh and get up, I walk downstairs and walk to the studio door, I open the door silently and peek in. Seeing Marshall was sitting in his chair, bobbing his head to the music as he was editing a beat on the mixing table in front of him, another song to be made to his new album that would be released next year or something, he never really tells me such things, just because both him and I know that I would accidentally slip the info out somehow.

I walk in and hug him from behind and kiss his cheek, he lowers the volume as I did so.

"Hey--" I cut him off.

"I can't find it!" I grunt and turn his chair around and sit on his lap, one leg on either side of his waist as I look at him sadly. He puts his hands on my hips as he leans his head back against the headrest. 

"Still? Man, where did you put it?"

"Bitch, if I knew where I'd put it, I wouldn't have lost it in the first place." I give him a look, but he just chuckles and shake his head before he nibbles his lower lip thoughtfully. 

"Well... Maybe you lost it somewhere outside the house? Like in the street or something."

"But... Then I won't ever find it again..." I look at him sadly, he strokes my thighs with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Alex..." He looks into my eyes with his blue eyes and gives me a little comforting smile. I lean my head against his shoulder. 

"I wanna find it..." I mumble, he nods and put his arms around me.

"I know, baby. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere..." He strokes over my back, I then frown a little and let go of him and get up, causing him to frown at me a little. "What?"

"...I'm gonna check up on something..." I mumble and walk upstairs, I hear the music start downstairs again and grab my phone and call Stacy.

"Heeeeeeey girl!!!" She says when she finally picked up.

"Hey, Stacy... You haven't seen my necklace over at your place or something?" 

"Necklace? What necklace?"

"The heart medallion I always wear. The necklace I got from Marshall when I moved from Detroit to New York with mom."

"Oooh that one. ...No, no I don't think so..." She mumbles and I hear her walking around in her house, rummaging through something. 

"You find anything?" 

"No... I'm sorry, Alex. When did you have it the last time?"

"Well I..." I frown, Marshall comes walking up the stairs talking on the phone and gives me a wink as I met his gaze, I frown and lead my hands through my hair. "Last time I had it was when Brian was here and shit happened..." Marshall froze as I said his name, he looks over at me as he hangs up and listens to me. "Shit, what if..." I look at Marshall.

"He took it?" He says through gritted teeth with an angry tone in his voice.

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