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I close my eyes with a whimper as I heard the loud gunshut echoing throughout the room, thinking that the worst had happened. Now he's gotta be dead... Oh God, what am I gonna do... I keep holding Marshall's shirt in tight fists as tears run down my cheeks like waterfalls.

He's dead, he's fucking dead... I swear to God... I let out a whimper of fright and shake my head with closed eyes and shiver hard.

"Put the fucking... Gun. DOWN..." A voice rumbles throughout the room, I get big eyes as I open them and stare at Marshall, he looked past me and at Brian while holding a glock in his hand.

"But w-who shot?" I mutter confused.

"I did, and that was a fucking warning shot, bitch. Next time, I won't shoot the wall..." I look over at Brian as he shivers and slowly lean down while looking at Marshall's raging face, I look back at Marshall. Seeing he was still bleeding down the side of his head. 

"You okay?" I mutter, my voice trembling slightly as I kept holding tight onto Marshall's shirt

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"You okay?" I mutter, my voice trembling slightly as I kept holding tight onto Marshall's shirt. He doesn't meet my gaze and stare at Brian still.

"I'm fine, baby." He reassures me with a threatning voice still, I let out a long exhale and rest my forehead on his chest.

"Alexis, get the hell off of him." He growls.

"Don't tell my wife what to fucking do, faggot!!" I keep holding him, not realizing what he had just said.

"DON'T CALL HER---" Brian starts, but Marshall shoots once more and towards his feet, making Brian jump and look at him with scared eyes.

"Ain't so fucking funny when I'm the one getting you to dance..? Dance monkey." Marshall spits, I then sit up and give Marshall a look. He gets big eyes as he sees it. "But--!" 

"No, give me the gun." He growls and gives me the gun, I grab Brian's gun on the floor and  stand up, time to control these boys... I stroke my cheeks and look at them.  "Okay, Marshall." I look at him. "I love you." He grins cocky.

"And I love you too." He sends a smug look to Brian.

"BUT." Het gets big eyes.

"But! What! You didn't say you had but's in our relationship!! Bitch, I'd do anything for you and here you come spittin out---" 

"SHUT IT WHITETRASH!" He smacks his lips shut. "I love you, but... I don't want you to hurt Brian. For several reasons. The biggest reason would be that I don't want you to get in trouble in any way, like go to prison or something. So therefore, don't hurt Brian. And Brian." I turn to him. "WHY do you keep coming back to me and make my life a living hell, when you could come back any time if you'd just be fucking NICE." He gets big eyes and look down at his hands.

"...Or a threesome." I send Marshall a killing look as he says that, he smacks his lips shut again and makes a move with hand to make it look like he zipped his mouth shut.

"Keep your mouth shut, you childish little shit." I laugh, he laughs too, but keep being quiet. I look back up again as I hear a door close and get big eyes, Brian was gone...


This is PART 2 of "Wake Up Call" so if you haven't read it, I suggest you do or else this will make no sense whatsoever. 

I hope you enjoy!! <3 

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