The Plan; Part 2

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______Marshall's POV_____

I straighten the tie as I look at myself in the mirror, god I'm so nervous...  I keep pulling in the tie, I felt like it was strangling me, fucking hell... I look in the mirror and into my blue eyes and saw myself, almost 20 years back...

I was standing in the nasty-ass bathroom in the Shelter... Puking my fucking guts out, Alex and Proof had kicked the door down and she'd pulled me up and slapped my cheeks twice. I smirk a little, she had poked my nose right afterwards and... 

Alex smirked and giggled once as she shook her head at me, I watched her smile and couldn't help but smile of her contagious giggle. 

"Now, go out there and slaughter those fuckers, my lil whiteboy." She had said, I take a big breath as my young, 18 year old face faded back into my own, 37 year old face. I stroke my brown hair quietly.

"Goddamnit, I've proposed before..." I grunt to myself and shiver lightly. This is too fucking hard... I... I need doody. What the fuck am I doing... 

I look at Alex with a chuckle, then shake my head and look down.

"I can't... I'm whack..." I sniffle, Proof walks in through the bathroom with a laugh and push past Alex gently and put both his hands on my shoulders and look into my eyes. I look back into his, he squints his eyes at me once, me and doody didn't need words to have a conversation. He just looked at me, and I... It was like I could do anything, he had my back no matter what I did... No matter what, Proof would always stand behind me ready to catch me...  He pats my cheek and nod once to me and lifts his brows with a smile. 

"Go out there." He smirks, I smirk back and give him a hug and nod as I walk out the bathroom hyped up.

I look behind me quietly, and looked at the wall, no Doody... Who's gonna have my back now? 

"I miss you man... I need you..." I sniffle and put my hand on the wall and look down at the floor and stroke my thumb over my cheek as I felt a tear. "I can't do this... I can't..."

"Doody."  I frown and turn around to the mirror, I walk to it slowly and wipe my eyes. He chuckles. "C'mon man... Is this Kim we're talking about here? Nah, man. It's Alex."  I wipe my eyes again with a confused frown.

"Fuck, what was in that water..." I mutter to myself.

"Bitch, quit whining and look at me." I look up in the mirror again. "There ya go, you tripping yes. But shit... I might be in your head, but that just means the one thing that is pushing you to do shit in your life that scares ya... Is in here." He points at his head with a smirk. "It's always been in there, man. It's always been you. Your mind. I saw that in you and so did Dre, nothing is holding you back except yourself. You're your own bully and you push yourself down, I can't help you up anymore when you do. But I know of one who always has been there for you and picked you up too..."  I sniffle a little. "Alex. Why the fuck are you nervous for this?" 

"You ain't here, doody. I..." I grab my hair and grunt to myself. "Goddamnit..." I look at him in the mirror again sadly, he gives me his crooked smile and chuckles a little, I smile a little and chuckle myself with another sniffle. "I just really... Really miss your corky ass, man... I miss your dumbass jokes all the time, I even miss dirty-Harry." He laughs at that, and I laugh a little myself, he shakes his head at me and looks at me with a smile.

"I'm always here, you think you'll get rid of me that easy?"  He winks at me with a smile and the image of my best friend, brother from another mother and my mentor, faded away. I look at the empty mirror.

"Marshall, you good in there, buddy?" Brian knocks on the door. "You stuck in the toilet or something?" I raise a brow and look at the door. "You aren't supposed to stick your ass down in the bowl! That's when you get stuck---" I open the door and look at him with raised eyebrows. "Oh, not stuck I take it?" I shake my head at him and roll my eyes.

"The fuck did she see in you..." I mutter with a chuckle. "You're fucking corny." 

"Hey..." He frowns and pat my shoulder and looks at me serious with his brown eyes. I look at him thoughtfully and just smile.

"I'm great." I grin from ear to ear. "I got every thing I need and everyone I need here. Let's marry Alex." I smirk.

"Can I join?" He jumps up.

"No, mine." I slap his back and we walk over to the carts...

"Okay... Well this is the weirdest way of proposing honestly..." He says and helps me in the cart. 

"You have no idea how much this will mean to her..." I smile a little and pat the little box in my pocket...

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