Tell me a story, Aunt Alex!

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I look over at Marshall thoughtfully, watching him nibbling his lower lip while looking at the cartoons with Hailie. She's so adorable... 14, but adorable. They always have their saturday mornings still, watching cartoons together before Hailie runs to her room again.

"Aunt Alex?" I look at her and meet her gaze.

"Yeah?" She smiles.

"Can you tell me some more stories about you and dad?" Oooh he hates that she has started calling him "dad" instead of "daddy", it reminds him that she's getting older and he doesn't want her to grow up, he wants her be his little girl aaaall the time. He looks at her with a slight sad frown, I chuckle and shake my head at him and sit beside her.

Marshall leans forward and turn the volume of the cartoons down and then lean back and stroke his fingers through her blonde hair as she fixes her blue eyes on me. I smile gently and put my index finer on my chin.

"Hmmmm... What are we gonna tell today..." I chuckle and tilt my head. "Did I tell about the one where Marshall, me and Uncle Proof went to the grocery---" She stops me.

"Dad jumped into the shopping cart and laid down in it, Uncle Proof shoved you in the cart on top of dad and ran around until the cart crashed against the wall so you guys fell on the floor and stuff. Uncle Proof had started laughing and said; Y'all should get married, y'all look so good together!" She looks at me and smile. "And then dad said that he'll propose to you in a shopping cart." She giggles, I laugh and shake my head.

"Shhh, it's supposed to be a surprise Hailie!" Marshall whispers to her and kiss her cheek with a grin, I laugh and shove him as I roll my eyes.

"Surprise? You won't stop talking about it!" I laugh and shake my head at him, he grunts.

"It'll be a surprise cause you won't expect WHEN!" He smirks, Hailie giggles and looks at him. I shake my head with a chuckle.

"You suck at lying, so we'll see about that." He frowns.

"ME? You saying ME, Eminem, sucks at LYING?" I raise a brow at him.

"Yes. Yes I am. Whatchu gon' do 'bout it?" I throw my hands in the air and shake my head back and fourth smoothly, he looks at me with a raised brow and crosses his arms amused as he shakes his head at me, Hailie burst out laughing, which made me laugh as well. I shake my head with a chuckle as I finally manage to contain my laughing-fit.

"Tell me a stooory!" Hailie says again with a smile, finally able to contain her laugh as well. I think for a moment, then get big eyes and look at her with a grin.

"Uh-oh..." He says low as soon as he saw the look on my face, I laugh and hit his shoulder, she grins at me.

"Our first halloween! We went out trick-or-treating for the first time when I was... 11, my first time trick-or-treating." I nod, she gasps and looks at me with big eyes.

"You were 11?? The FIRST time?" She looks at me shocked, Marshall chuckles.

"My mom wouldn't let me, she thought it was stupid. But anyways, here's what happened..." I smile.

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