Why does it take so long to reach the floor? And why do I feel like floating in the air?

I opened my eyes and saw Arjun so close to my face. His breath fanned my face and I couldn't control my over reacting heart. Tingles shoot all over my body and my face turned into a beetroot due to my overflowing blush. I was attracted very badly to him since he compelled me to get into his car. He knows to tackle me without annoying me which most of them fails to do. He made me smile during mid nights and lose sleep for days.

The word 'Tom' has become my most favourite word. I felt goosebumps all over me whenever he called me by that name. He is funny, sweet, caring and have everything my dream prince should have. He might be my prince charming, if he is then I would love to be his princess.

"I-I have s-something to tell y-you." My heart raced fast, hearing him stuttering.


"Umm.. Come with me." He placed me down on the floor gently. He grabbed my wrist and took me somewhere. We got into the lift and he pressed the roof button.

Why is he taking me to the terrace? Did I do anything wrong? Is he going to push me down?

The lift opened and we stepped into the terrace. Cool air  welcomed me.

"What did you want to tell me?"

"I wanted to tell...Umm... Isn't the climate nice?"

"Seriously? Arjun sir, please don't beat around the bush." I couldn't wait anymore or else I might faint before hearing him.

"Ok fine. Look Nisha, I think I like you. No not think, I'm sure I like you. Never before in my life I felt like this. All these are very new to me. You were the first woman in my life to distract me from my job. I don't know how to love because I have only learnt how to work. But I'm sure I'll love you wholeheartedly. I promise you that I'll always be with you no matter what. Give me a chance, I'll become your prince charming."

Prince charming? Did he really say that? Did he read my mind? Oh my! It is all happening! I pinched myself and guess what, it isn't a dream. I felt like dancing.

"How much times did you practice this dialogue?" I decided to play with him.

"Million times. See I didn't stutter or forget, that explains."

"Only million times? Its okay! The speech was very nice, Arjun. I liked it. And by the way, you speak as if there is a PhD course to learn about love"

"Nisha, stop playing with my feelings. Reply me or I might have a panic attack." I laughed looking at his face, but he glared at me. Uh ho! He is serious.

"Well, my prince charming do you think anyone will reject an ice cream?"

"Huh? Are you comparing me to an ice cream? I'm more worthy, sweetheart."

"Yeah! But next to an ice cream. You can be the second best, I don't have any problem."

"Fine, then go date an ice cream."

Oh no! I've messed up.

He was about to turn and leave but I grabbed his hand and made him face me again. I hugged him tight and said, "I can live without an ice cream but not you, Arjun."

He giggled triumphantly and hugged me back. We both stood there hugging for a long time.

Right now I'm the happiest girl in the entire world. I never thought this day will be a memorable one, when I got up from bed today. And our love became a great success without any issues, how many are blessed like me?


A/n: hey readers!!! I know this chapter sucks!!sorry:(

It was Nisha whom he loved from the beginning. I believe Nisha and Arjun only can make a cute pair. Diya is beautiful so do Nisha. Everyone don't fall for the heroine. It was heartbreaking when everyone thought it was Diya. Believe me Nisha is beautiful too.

And those who literally gave murder threats to me yesterday: pls control your anger issues, you're scaring me.

Hey, I'm a celebrity!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat