"Cole, it's time to wake up." Wu said kindly. "Cooollllleeeeeee!" Jay whined from Wu's arms. Cole opened one eye and smiled.

"Morning Daddy. Hi Jay." Cole said sleepily. "Morning Cole, time to get up. Can you start making up your bed?" Wu said kindly before taking one hand and brushing Cole's hair to the side slightly.

"Okay Daddy." Cole said with a yawn as he sat up in bed. He slid out of bed and started fixing his blankets.

Finally Wu and Jay headed over to Kai's bed. Kai was the most stubborn one to wake up. "Kai, time for you to get up." Wu said softly as he shook him gently.

Kai mumbled slightly in his sleep but didn't get up. Jay decided to intervened again.

He climbed out of Wu's arms and onto the bed. He made his way up to Kai's face before lifting open one of Kai's eyelids.

"Kaaaaaiiiii wakeeyyyyyyy." Jay moaned from on top of his brother's chest.

That got Kai up instantly!

"Jay!" Kai snapped. "Hi!" Jay said as he bounced around on top of Kai. Wu smiled at the younger twin, before picking Jay up.

"Good morning Kai. Can you start making up your bed?" Wu asked with a slight smile.

"Sure! Bet I can make it up faster than Cole!" Kai said with a grin before he quickly started to make his bed. "Can not!" Cole said back as he pulled up his blankets.

"Can too!"
"Can not!"
"Can too!"
"Can not!"

Wu chuckled softly to himself as he took Jay back over to his side of the room. They found Zane sprawled out upside down on his bed, reading a book.

Jay scrambled from his fathers arms to his oldest brother's bed. Zane slipped a bookmark into his book before sliding on his bed and sitting beside Jay.

Cole and Kai came crashing through the door. "I win!" Kai said with a triumphant grin. "Nuh uh! I did!" Cole retorted.

"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"

"Boys, how about you four go brush your teeth and then come back to get dress." Wu said interrupted their bickering.

"Ok Daddy. I'll help them." Zane said with a grin as he stood up and held little Jay's hand.

He lead the way out to the bathroom, Cole and Kai close behind. Wu shook his head slightly before he left the room himself.

"Sounds like their extra excited today." Carolin said with a playful smile. "You have no idea." Wu replied with a grin.

Carolin smiled lightly at him before she headed out to go get the boys dressed. She was greeted with the sound of the twins arguing.

She saw Zane and Jay both sitting on Zane's bed while they watch the twins argue. Zane looked frustrated. Carolin knew he must have tried to calm the two down but made no progress doing so.

She cleared her throat and the twins immediately stopped bickering.

"Morning Mommy!" The four all said in unison. Carolin smiled softly. "Good morning, ready to see your cousin?"

"Ye-es!" Jay said ecstatically as he slid off of Zane's bed, clutching his teddy bear. The other three quickly nodded in agreement and excitement.

"Alright, let's get you each into some play clothes." Carolin said with a soft laugh.

She helped each of them get dressed then helped them deal with their hair. After several minutes, the boys were all together.

They raced each other downstairs for breakfast. Carolin followed the quad downstairs. Wu came down a while later. Just as they were finishing up breakfast, the doorbell rang.

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