"Looking good." The one in the middle but her lip. "Dibs." She whispered loudly to her friends. I rolled my eyes before heading towards the pale sand. I smiled contently and was mentally yelling at myself for wearing Vans instead of sandals.

I found a place about fourth feet from the water at the crowded beach and took the blanket from my backpack. I laid the blue fabric out and sat down on it. I stared out into the clear ocean for a minute before taking off my shoes and placed my Bans on the backpack. I walked into the water and was surprised to find it to be quite warm. I went to my knees before diving in and mentally cursed myself as I felt the plain white shirt sticking to my body.

I came up for air and I could barely touch the ground. I went back under and decided to wait for May to come in again. I started out of the water and when I stood and shook my hair out of my eyes, I heard several gasps and giggles. The girls. I kept going out of the water till I looked down at my shirt. You could clearly see the outline of my ab-muscles and pecks. I groaned to myself before sitting down on the blanket. I tore the shirt off and over my head and laid down on the sun with my sunglasses. I put my arms behind my head and I felt the blanket move.

I opened my eyes and through the black tint I saw the middle girl standing above me.

"May I help you?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Yes, I'm Caroline. I want your number, Bradley." She crossed her arms.

"How do you know my name?"

"It's on your bag."

"I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend." I answered her.

"Is it serious?" She was getting on my nerves.

"Over a year together so yeah."

"Why isn't she here today?" She sat down and I stayed laying on my back.

"She is."

"I don't see her." Jesus fucking Christ.

"She went to do something."

"I bet she's not as hot as me." Caroline snickered and I knew she didn't believe me.

"It doesn't take much to be hotter than you." I muttered and I knew she couldn't hear me.

"Is she real or are you just-"

"Hey, Bradley." I heard the melodic voice of May and stood up quickly to get to her side. I wrapped my arms around her and she nuzzled her face into my chest. I heard Caroline swallow after gasping loudly.

"Damn, you must go really hard." She whispered and I knew she was directing towards my back. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink that was barely noticeable and I winked over at her; not suggestively.

"Who was that?" May whispered and I pulled away. She had taken off her shirt so you could see her perfect body now.

Caroline's eyes widened, probably at her beauty.

"May, this is Caroline." I hid my smirk and kissed May's hair. "Caroline, this is May. My girlfriend."

May stick out her hand and Caroline took it cautiously. "Pleasure to meet you. How do you know him?" May was perfect. Not even jealous in the slightest and not even assuming.

"I just met him. Why aren't you looking at me?"

My chest stung at the first words I ever spoke to May.

"I'm blind." She smiled weakly, obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

"Oh..." Caroline's cheeks reddened in embarrassment and probably shame. "My friends are waiting."

our fall in may||BWS (completed)Where stories live. Discover now