Chapter 15 It will get better

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*Chapter 15 It will get better*

"Blythe! Apologize to your mother," Jace said.

"Like you have any room to say anything. You just popped into my life this year with who happened to be my brothers. You have no say in anything. Not now anyway.." I said.

"BLYTHE!" Mom shouted.

"Oh. What? You want me to apologize now? Then you're going to ground me and take my phone away right? Well. Newsflash! I bought this phone with my own money. With the money I saved up from my job! I grew up alone and without parents for the first 5-6 years of my life. Then when my parents do show up it's only my mother and even then you never paid any attention to me. It was either a babysitter half the time. So really I grew up without parents for 16 years. I had the best childhood with grandma but after her death. I was forced to grow up fast. Then I had to get a job at 14. Luckily Mr. Vale hired me to do simple tasks until I was old enough to be cooking. He showed me dishes, talked to me, and gave me advice. I saved up my paycheck and bought this phone, opened up a credit card for myself and a bank account. You have no right to take any of this away from me. Even I can tell that you have regret. It's written all over your face and eyes. You're filled with regret and anger. Until you truly accept me as your daughter and sister. I want nothing to do with you. Until you can speak with me. Or of me with genuine Love. I want nothing to do with you. Accept me, and show me that you truly want what's best for me. Amazing how I can say such things right? Well.. Let me tell you a little secret. Only girls that are truly hurt or suffering can say such words. Girls that are suffering and are hurt they put on a smile and keep moving. Why? Because smiling is the only thing they know how to do, right" I smiled. I walked past the guys and down the hall.

"Blythe! Stop!" Carson said. I turned and faced him.

"You know me better than anyone here. You know me inside out. So tell me... Tell me why you would do this? Why would you of all people do this? What made you that I would be alright with this? I thought that you knew me better than anyone here.. I thought that you knew me better than myself," I said. I looked at him. I was hurt. I felt betrayed. I touched my cheeks and realized that I was crying. He looked at me shocked.

"Blythe.. I," He started. Before he could finish. I turned and ran. I ran out past the courtyard. I ran and sat down by the lake. I buried my face in my lap.

"Blythe," Jayden said. I looked up at him. He smiled and sat down. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh. Calm down. Everything will be fine. It will get better." 

"No.. That's what everyone says.. But it never does. It won't get better. Every time it does get better. Something happens and your back at  to square one."

"I know Blythe."

"And Carson... He's supposed to be my best friend.. My rock..He's supposed to know me inside out. He always understands and knows how I feel. He knows me so well. So why would he do this to me?" I said getting up. I started walking.

"Why? I need to be alone," I said looking at him. I walked to the dorm. I walked into my room and curled up in bed.

*Carson's P.O.V*

We walked out from the bushes. Jayden looked at us.



Blythe... Please...

"I know.. I let her down. Trust me... I know," I sighed. "But.. We need to give her some space."

"As much as we want to run after her and apologize. Carson is right. We need to give her some space," Nick sighed.  We nodded and walked to the cafe.

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