Chapter 4 Why Fight So Hard

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~Chapter 4 Why fight so hard~

"Autant que j'aimerais beaucoup. Je ne peux pas je n'ai pas de papa," I said. (As much as I'd love to. I can't I don't have a dad.) I smiled. Mr. Adair stiffened and frowned. He looked confused.

"Oh. um. I uh didn't know. Then how about a brother or sister," He said.

"I'm an only child," I said.

"Okay. What about a grandparent," He said.
"I only know of a grandma and she passed away when I was little. I only have memories of her," I smiled.

"How bout your mom. You must have something to say to her," He said.

"Nope. I don't have anything to say to her at the moment," I said. Jace and Christian kept looking at me.
"You're making this very difficult for me. Um..Write your feelings in french," he said.

"That I Guess I can do," I smiled. He handed me paper and pencil. I wrote 3 pages. I handed it to him.

"3 Pages," He said surprised.

"I am a girl after all," I shrugged. He read over it. He started crying.

"You really need to figure out a way to vent. Your paper has made a grown man cry," He said.

"Tout le monde ne peut pas avoir une parfaite petite vie. Mr.Adair," I smiled. (Not everyone can have a perfect little life.)

"How can you still smile?" He asked me wiping his tears.

"It's scary what a smile can hide, but I smile because if I didn't, people would ask. It's not always the tears that measure pain. Sometimes it's the smile we fake. Behind my smile and laugh there's a story that people will never understand. Besides every girl knows how to fake a smile. Just like how every guy knows how to fake feelings. You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option you have left," I smiled.

"You pass. You can leave. Just do me a favor and write your feelings down once in awhile," He said.

"I make no promises. Mr. Adair. Remember You'll never truly know how damaged a person is until you try to love them. So do your best to stay away from broken people and me because it's impossible to fix what's been lost and broken," I whispered with a smile.

"Thank you for passing me. Now I have just one request of you Mr. Adair. Can I have my paper back? I'd like to keep what's mine to myself. After all what I wrote is personal," I smiled. Jace raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry but I do have to keep it," He said.

"Then do me a favor and let no one see it," I smiled.

"If you can make no promises. Then I can't promise anything either," He said.
"Touché. Until Next time," I laughed. I walked to the door.

"Is it true you don't have a father," He spoke up.

"It's true. I don't have a dad. Growing up, it was Granny and me. Then when Granny died it was Mom and I. If I did even then I wouldn't care. I mean the guy hasn't been in my life for 16 years. So what's the point. I mean. What do you expect me to do? Do you think I would run up to the person and hug them. No matter what the person is to me. I would never do that. I just can't lie to myself and say I love the person when truthfully the person was never mine to begin with. If the person was never yours to begin with then sweetheart. Why fight so hard," I laughed.

"It's as simple as that. Well. See you around. Sir," I smiled. I walked out and smiled to the secretary.
"I passed. Can I have my schedule," I smiled. She nodded. She gave me my schedule.

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