Chapter Nine

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"Ashton! Open up." I shouted.

"Open up the door this instance!" Knocking on the bright red door.

"I know your in there, your brothers told me you were here, now open the damn door." 

The door swung open just as I was about to slam my hand against the door once more.

My eyebrows furrowed as I was met with no one at the door, until I felt something tugging at my leg.

Looking down, I saw a little girl with long curly brown hair, bright blue eyes and full pink plump lips with high cheekbones. She was the epitome of beautiful. From what I could remember of Ashton's family, I was guessing she was Ashton's sister Raina.

"Are you Ashy's mate?" She questioned, her eyes brightening up at the mention of her brother.

"N-no, I'm just a friend of his, is he here?" I questioned bending down as I smiled at her.

"Yeah, he's out back training with my daddy." She grinned, before taking my hand pulling me into the house.

Passing through the house, it didn't seem as much had changed from what I last remembered, there were still pictures of Ashton's family hung up along the walls of the hallway. A couple of new photos I could see were up too.

"Ashy! Your friend's here." Raina yelled out as we made our way outside.

Looking outside, I was amazed at how open and spacious their backyard was, it didn't have a fence as it lead out towards the forest, trees surrounding their house.

I watched as Ashton stopped what he was doing, looking over at me, a small smirk crossing his features.

"Emily, it's so good to see you again." Ashton's Dad, Mason smiled at me, as the both of them made their way to us.

Reaching out, he pulled me into a quick hug, before pulling away. "It's good to see you too Mr Taylor." I smiled politely, nodding at him.

"Please, call me Mason." 

"Daddy, up please!" Letting go of my hand, she lifted her arms up, scrunching and un-scrunching her hands. Shaking his head as he looked down at his daughter, he picked her up, placing her on his hip.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, I promised Raina here I'd get her some ice-cream before her mum gets back." Mason stated, before going back into the house.

An awkward silence loomed over us, before Ashton cleared his throat making me look up at him.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I needed to talk to you."

"About?" He questioned.

"I heard about what happened to Sydney and her group of friends." I stated.

"And? What's that to do with me?"

"I overheard the principal. He was talking about you. He even called you Alpha Ashton. What's does that even mean?" I inquired. 

"You probably misheard him." Ashton stated, avoiding looking at me.

"Ashton don't lie to me. I heard him loud and clearly. Now spill." I folded my arms over my chest, ignoring the small sneak peak Ashton made at my cleavage.

"It's none of your concern." He replied and I had to ignore the slight hurt I felt at his harsh tone.

"It is when he also said it was because they had hurt the Luna, and don't you dare say it's not about me because once I had told you what they'd done you got all angry." I glared.

Her *Book 2 of WEREWOLF SERIES*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant