Chapter One

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So excited for this new book! Enjoy <3


Dedication goes to @_mortal_fandom_  also known as 'Mathilda Jane' by the cover title you can see. Thank you so much again I love it <3


I think the first time I remember seeing him was when I was playing in the sandpit with my friend Haley, building a sandcastle.

I was almost done when someone had kicked over a ball and it landed on my sandcastle.

Now, I was pretty pissed because of course I had spent so much time that I got up grabbing the ball and throwing it in the opposite direction of where it came from.

Childish I know, but I was so angry that they ruined my sandcastle.

"Hey!" I heard some boy shout, turning around to see some boy coming towards me, an angry expression on his face.

He was much older than me, maybe 4 or 5 years and was taller than my small frame making me squint up as I stared up at him.

"Why did you do that for?" He shouted at me making me shrink back a bit before I realized that he had ruined my sandcastle.

"Because you hurt my sandcastle." I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"You little bit-" He raises his hand as if to slap me making me close my eyes in fear waiting for the impact.

Except it never came.

Opening my eyes, I gasp as I see another boy around my age, holding his hand in a tight grip, it looked as if it hurt as the older boy winced in pain.

"Don't. Touch. Her." The boy who had saved me growled, I looked at the older boy to see his eyes widening, a look of fear crossing his features before slowly nodding, snatching his hand back and running off.

I watched in awe, as he turned around to look at me, even from a young age he was attractive that you knew he would grow up to be really attractive.

He looked down at me with concern as he carefully inspected me as if looking for anything wrong.

"Are you okay?" He questioned and I nodded.

"T-thank you" I stuttered blushing.

"It's okay, my names Ashton." He stated putting his hand out.

Placing my hand in his as I shook his head smiling up at him. "Emily."


That was my first encounter with Ashton, from then on we became sort of friends.

I say sort of friends because while we did talk like friends he always kept me at a distant as if keeping a secret from me because whenever I would ask something personal about his life he would close me off.

Not long after I met Ashton, I also met his brothers in which they were actually triplets named Cameron and William. 

They were all great, Ashton was more the closed off type seemingly mysterious, while Cameron was the out-going one and the more he grew up the more flirtatious he got. William while also closed off, was more the shy and quiet type who only becomes talkative with people he's comfortable with.

While we didn't talk as much as I did with my best friend Sky, he always seemed protective of me, protecting me from people even when he didn't need to. I remember one time he had gone so far as throwing someone across the hallway because they had accidentally bumped into me in the hallway.

I remember him grabbing me softly by the shoulders, looking to see if I had bruised anywhere which was absurd because of how insignificant the bumping of shoulders were.

I laugh softly as I recall him trying to take me to see the nurse at our school just to make sure I was 100 percent sure that I was alright but after his brother Cameron came to talk some sense into him he backed off a little taking one more look at me before nodding.

The last time I saw him was the day before my birthday.

A day I can clearly remember because that was the day he broke my heart.


"Emily, the triplets are here!" I heard my Dad shout from downstairs.

Looking at Sky, her was rummaging through the food that was currently on my bed, she gave me a sly wink before gesturing for me to go downstairs.

"Go get your lover boy." She grins and I roll my eyes at her. "It's not like that."

Quickly making my way downstairs, I go towards the door where my Dad is waiting with the boys, once he sees me he nods his head before turning around going back to wherever he was before.

"Hey, come on in." I smile.

"Happy Birthday Squirt." William smiles patting my head making me glare at him playfully as he ruffles my head.

"Happy Birthday Princess!" Cameron shouts pulling me into a hug before picking me up, twirling me around making me squeal before laughing as he puts me back down onto the ground.

Looking over at Ashton who was silently looking at Cameron and I, my eyebrows knot in confusion as I see him glare at Cameron.

Is it just me or did his eyes turn black?

Shaking my head, I smile slowly at Ashton as he steps forward, looking at me.

"Happy Birthday." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in, I gasp as I feel his lips softly graze my cheek.

Pulling away from me, the boys make their way up the stairs going towards my room, while I stand there shocked my hand touching the spot Ashton had just kissed me.

I look up just in time to see Ashton looking back at me smirking making me look down as I blush profusely.


After that small interaction, we had spent a few hours in my room watching movies when Ashton had asked me to come with him for a small walk which was why the two of us were at a small park nearby my house.

"Why'd you bring me here Ashton?" I whispered as we sat on a park bench.

"I need to tell you something." He replied whilst placing his hand a top of mine making me look up at him.

Waiting expectantly, I watched as he leaned down towards me a little, his eyes gazing down at my lips before going back up towards my eyes.

My breath hitched as he leaned down a little bit more.

Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes closing the space between us.

But just as fast as our lips had touched was just as fast as he pulled away.

Flinching from his reaction, I pulled back my eyes widen as I realized what I had done before biting my lip as I kept my head down not wanting to look at his face.

"I'm sorry, it's just that-" I stopped him by raising my hand not wanting to hear the rejection I knew was coming.

"It's okay, totally fine." I said looking up at him with a small smile.

"I need to go." I rushed out, before getting up and rushing back to my house before he could say anything else.


After that had happened, I went to school the next day only to find out that Ashton and his family had left this town to somewhere only god knows.

Until Now.


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Until Next Time


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