Chapter Eight

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"We need your help." Cameron stated barging in and heading towards the kitchen.

"Wait. What?" I questioned as I went after Cameron.

Turning the corner, Cameron began to help himself to the freshly baked cookies I had just made.

Slapping his greedy hands away, I quickly grabbed the plate of cookies getting it out of his reach, which seemed useless when his hands were longer than mine and grabbed more cookies, stuffing them in his mouth.

"You need to get on good terms with Ashton." Cam stated, before shoveling the rest of the cookies in his mouth.

"Pig." William muttered earning a grin from Cameron.

"What do you mean get on 'good terms' with Ashton?" I questioned.

"It means what I said it means, stop this bickering you two have going on and start being friends again." Cameron stated, taking a seat on the dining chair.

"Not that its any of your business, but I am in no way going to reconcile with that guy. I don't want to be friends with him." I declared.

"We both now that's a lie. We all know that you want to be more than friends, you can't help but want more." William stated, looking at him with a confused look.

"What do you mean I can't help it?" I asked.

"Because you two are ma-" Cameron started before William chucked a vase at his head, the vase shattering against his head.

"Will!" I shouted, before rushing to Cameron's side of the table, grabbing his head gently to assess the damage.

"It's fine Emmy Bear, no damage done see." Looking at his head, I saw no cuts or bruises, everything was fine.

"So why does Emily need to be friends with Ashton?" Sky chimed in and I jumped realizing that Sky was still here.

"So that Ashton can stop being in this grumpy mood." Cam chimed in.

"Don't blame his mood on me, he needs to stop being a damn baby." I uttered.

"No, you two need to sort your problems out. You two used to be friends and now you can't even stand to be around him why is that?" Cameron questioned, ignoring his question I shook my head.

"Why is it so important that Ashton and I are friends? I can't be the reason why he's always in a bad mood." I inquired.

"Yes you are, so I need you to be a good little girl and make up with him." Cameron cooed patting my head.

"No, so get out of my house." I demanded, grabbing Cameron's shirt dragging him towards were William was and grabbing his shirt also, dragging them out of my house.

"It was nice of you two to visit, but Sky and I are busy so see you two at school, bye." I waved them off smiling, before slamming the door shut.

"You want pie?" Sky asked.


Pulling up to school, Sky and I jumped out the car, heading towards our first class.

"Next time, I'm going to put several alarms on your phone so you can't sleep in." I huffed out as we hurried.

We were currently late to our class, because someone had turned their alarm off and instead of getting up continued to sleep in.

"I couldn't help it, my bed was begging me to sleep in it longer." Sky grinned sheepishly.

"You owe me fries." I stated, before we said our goodbyes, departing ways as we didn't have the same class.

As I made my way to my class, I sighed as I already knew what was going to happen as soon as I opened the door.

Her *Book 2 of WEREWOLF SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now