Chapter Eleven

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"We have to kill him. It's the only option." Mason whispered to the boys.

"What about the parents?" Cameron questioned and Mason cursed silently.

"We kill them off too." Mason stated, nodding as if it were okay.

"Okay, here's the plan boys." Mason stated only to stop as Lottie came in staring at the boys huddled in the corner, while Raina sat eating, and I held Kyla.

"What are you guys doing?" She questioned.

Mason stood up, whistling some kind of tune. "Uh nothing honey."

"Emily, would you care to tell me what the boys are talking about?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"They're planning to K-I-L-L off Raina's boyfriend." Spelling out the word kill so Raina or Kyla didn't know what the boys were talking about.

The boys all looked at me as if I were the bad person here, and I simply shrugged, grabbing Kyla's food and feeding her some of her food.

"I know what that spells, I'm not 5." Raina complained, and I smiled sheepishly. Oh, well there goes that.

"Boys, you are not going to do that." Lottie stated and the boys groaned.

"B-But baby, he's stealing my little girl from me!" Mason whined, and I laughed at the sight of an over 6 foot, strong build man whining.

"I don't care, now unless you want me to call your mother over here to give you a little talk. You will not harass the poor boy." Lottie stated, I watched in amusement as Mason froze, while Cam and Will shuddered as if Mason's grandmother was bad news.

"Fine." Mason grumbled, before coming back to the table, taking Kyla from my arms as he sat back in his chair.

Once everything had settle down, and we avoided Raina's boyfriend topic, Ashton came down. It took everything in me not to jump him right then and there, which was so absurd because his family were in the room but I couldn't help it.

He looked so delicious.

His hair was still wet from his shower, he had on a white shirt that fitted his body well, you could see his ripped body nicely, and a black pair of shorts.

Shaking my head of the thoughts that were rising, I quickly looked down at my plate eating the food.

"Ashy, come sit next to Emily!" Raina called out, as she moved out of her spot and patted her seat for Ashton to take, before heading off as she had finished her food.

Sliding up in the chair next to me, Ashton looked over at me, a small smirk gracing his lips.

"I can smell your arousal from here." He whispered, as he leaned down slightly so only I could hear and I shivered at the proximity.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." I stuttered, as I moved the food around in my plate.

Placing his hand on my leg, I shivered at the warmth, biting my lip as he began to rub his thumb against my thigh.

"Are you cold dear?" Lottie questioned looking over at me and I jumped as Ashton slid his hand further up, grabbing his hand I pushed it down, giving him a small side glare before shaking my head at Lottie.

"Uh no, I'm fine." I choked out.

"Actually I need to head to the bathroom, I'll be back." I muttered hurriedly, before pushing Ashton's hand off me and standing up quickly.

Heading towards the bathroom, I opened the door, closing it as I leaned against it, taking in a deep breath.

What the fuck is happening!?

I jumped as the door suddenly opened, Ashton coming in and shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing in here?" I questioned, folding my hands over my chest.

"I could have been peeing in here." I complained, blushing as Ashton raised an eyebrow.

"I knew you weren't." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Still, get out, I need to pee."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do.






"Ha! I win, I'm not falling for that stupid trick." I grinned as if I had won making Ashton laugh.

"We need to talk." Ashton stated, turning serious.


"Do you remember what I said last night?" He asked and I gave him a questioning stare.

He told me something last night?

Last night was a blur, I could hardly remember anything. In fact I couldn't remember how I got here.

I gasped as my eyes widened.

"No way." I whispered and Ashton nodded, coming closer but I stood back, the process kept happening til my back made contact with the tiled wall, making me shiver from the sudden cold.

"I know this is all hard to take in, but are you okay?" He asked.

"Am I okay? This is all too sudden, oh god. I can't believe this." I muttered.

"Of course, the time I go to get drunk and this happens." I muttered to myself, before turning and pacing back and forth.

"My mother always said drinking didn't lead to anything good and now look what's happened." I groaned as I ran a hand through my head.

I could see Ashton staring at me from my peripheral vision but I ignored him.

"God, is this what I'm like when I get drunk. I sleep around?" I asked stopping suddenly when Ashton's hands stop me from walking.

"Wait what are you talking about?" He questioned confused as to what I was talking about, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"We slept together. I was drunk, and this is my punishment." I stated, Ashton shook his head.

"No, we didn't sleep together." He said and I looked up at him.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"You passed out, so I brought you here." He replied and I sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god."

"So you don't remember what I told you last night?" He asked and I shook my head as I tried to remember something from last night.

"No sor-" I cut myself off as I suddenly remembered something from last night.

"Wait.." I whispered, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"No way."

"You're a werewolf?"


Hey Guys!

Sorry if this chapter is short, its shorter than most of my chapters, but I hope you all enjoyed. I promise the next chapter will be longer, hopefully anyways.

So Emily finally knows, what do you think she'll be like?

Comment down below what you think of this chapter!

Love you all xx


Until Next Time


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