Ch.25 Fight Or Die, You Choose

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   So everyone's got their weapons out, Zephyr is ticked off about who knows what ; And we are all preparing ourselves to die, sounds fun right?  Yeah, I didn't think so. 

"You wrecked children, now you shall die!" Arachne shouted.

  Gee anti-climactic much?  I thought almost laughing in my mind. Then Ree invaded our minds told us what to do.  And naturally, I was on defense.  Zephyr and I charged at Arachne at full force, and every one else that wasn't immune to fire close behind.  With Winged Spirit in my hand and my friends at my side, we fought as one mind. 

   Slashing at Arachne's eight legs and thorax with as much strength as we could muster. Then we started to glow, the gods hearing our silent plea. Thanks Dad! I thought, because they obviously heard us so might as well be polite. I heard a scream, and then nothing. I turned to see Phoebe unconscious, but breathing. I ran to her side, and told Eldoris to protect her the best she could. And I did the only possibly stupid thing someone ticked off can do, I ran back into battle without a plan. Amazingly I landed on her back or thorax, whatever it's called. Either way she couldn't reach me. Skylnn noticed this and started to shoot arrows in her back, but not before I promptly fell off. I know graceful right. 

  "Aggghhhhh!!!!" Arachne screeched in pain. 

"Mind shutting up!!" I heard Finn yell as he slashed at her leg knocking her off balance for a few moments. Ezzy and Lucian were well, in all honesty looked like they were playing a giant game of Arachne in the middle. The queen of the gods crown on the other hand, looked like a flaming crown. Orwynn was trying to confuse her with her own thoughts, I decided not to get on his bad side at that point. Iereen was trying to charmspeak her, quite effectively actually. And the dragons were basically doing the same thing we were except dragon style. Using there powers right beside our own, and occasionally blasting spider webs to dust.

  " I will not be thwarted by children!" Arachne hissed.  

"That's demigods to you." called an irritated and very angry Pheobe from the other side of Arachne. I thought about quoting Koda from Brother Bear, but I decided not to take my chances. Water and wind surged together, creating a hurricane. Gryffin right beside her, as they hovered in the air. we all quickly joined them.

 "We may not look like much, but we stick together no matter what." I told the spider woman. 

"We fight together, and if need be die together. But I honestly don't feel like it today do you guys?" Lucian asked us sarcastically.

  We all nodded no.

 " There you have it let's finish this, Phee will you do the honors?" I asked a mischievous smile on my face. 

   Then the hurricane was released, with a satisfying whoosh.

 " No, no, I can't be beaten I will get my revenge!"

 " Go to Tartarus!" Ezzy interrupted as she delivered the final blow. Dust flew everywhere.  Lucian just looked at her lovingly as she came back towards us.

 "When did you get so awesome?" he asked her. And before they could do anything to mushy, we pushed them into the van with Orwynn driving.  

" Next destination, Mt. Olympus!" we shouted. 

  A few days later, Ezzy told the same receptionist what's what again.  And we returned Hera's diadem to her.  From there, we were magically sent back to the Long Island sound, right where we began our journey.  We smiled at each other. 

"Last one back to camp is a rotten egg!" I shouted and ran off at normal speed.       

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