Ch.13 I Beat The Best Spearsman At Camp, My Sister

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   So after we were done swimming, we decided to go and see how Kelly was faring. We found her in the fighting arena sparing with Clarisse. "Hey, mind if we watch?" I called from the stands. "Sure, knock yourselves out." Kelly called back. She sounded frustrated. They both had spears, one of which Clarisse affectionately called Maimer. As we watched I started to see errors in their stances,  Annabeth was thinking the same thing. 

   Bet I can beat ya. I told her. Dream on Feather brain. It was on. What Annabeth you scared ?  I thought. "Fine Orwynn you think you can take me, let's go!" she yelled stomping down the stairs into the arena. Frank and Nico looking at me like a I was a dead man. I was right behind her. "Choose the weapon." She told me. We were in the arena now. I just held up my wrist and circled my finger clockwise on the coin of my leather bracelet. My spear appeared in my hand. "That answer your question?" she just rolled her eyes and pulled a spear off the rack. Clarisse and Kelly stopped to watch.

     Annabeth struck first, I dodged it with ease. I swung my spear at her feet, causing her to fall. She pushed herself up. While she did this, I'm pretty sure out of the corner of my eye I saw Clarisse and Kelly taking bets. And because I wasn't paying attention, I got hit in the face. "Thanks for bringing me back to reality." I said sarcastically. Annabeth just smirked. Then we started again, my forehead throbbing. You got this Orwynn, just use your head. Skylnn told me telepathically. She was right, I was letting my ego over ride my judgement. Whoa, never thought I'd say that! Any way, I stared to focus after that. Annabeth was quick, but not as quick as me. On her final attack I knocked her spear out of her hands, both of us breathing heavy. And both of us in disbelief. Our friends cheered from above, and I saw Kelly slip Clarisse twenty drachmas. "Nice job Orwynn, you beat the best fighter in camp." said Kelly as she clapped me on the back. "You sure mom, didn't bless you with awesome spear fighting skills?" Annabeth asked me I just shrugged.

    I took martial arts lessons for five years and got really good with a bo staff. But was I going to tell her that? No, no I wasn't.  So, just on the coincidence that she is reading this right now. That's how I beat you Annabeth.  Please, don't judo flip me.

   After we left the arena for dinner, I guess the dryads told the camp because everyone was applauding me as we headed for Phee and Percy's table. I looked like a tomato I was blushing so much. Can someone please tell them to stop? I telepathically groaned. Why? It was Annabeth. She looked at me curiously. Because one, I beat you big deal! And two, I hate being the center of attention. She started laughing "I think your the only child of Athena who doesn't like attention." That made me blush even more. Which I didn't know was possible at this point of embarrassment.

   It went on like this into the night. With Annabeth waking me up in the morning. To help clean up the cabin. So just a normal day in the life of a teenage demigod.

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