Ch. 16 My chance(Thanks to my Awesome Friends)

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I totally fangirled after Kelly kissed Gryffin. I blame my inner Aphrodite.  Although now I was the only single one, well besides Orwynn. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that my friends found love. It's just I started to wonder, was there anyone out there for me. I couldn't cast the potion find true love orb spell for myself, so I had to do it the old fashioned way. 

   After the campfire, I sulked to my bunk. I started thinking about why I helped my friends, the answer was out of love. And I already knew it, I'd always known it. "What's wrong Ree?" Lacey asked, she must have noticed how I was feeling and followed me to the cabin. "You'll find someone, everyone always does." "Thanks Lace." I told her depressingly, as she grabbed a book from the self and went out. What is she up to? I thought to myself. After that I got ready for bed. My siblings soon followed. 

   As I fell asleep, I found myself in a meadow full of poppies, tulips, and sunflowers. It was beautiful. Then an odd thing happened. I saw a person coming towards me in the distance. Someone, I didn't know. But I didn't run, I just stayed there waiting to see who it was.  He had green skin and vibrant yellow eyes. 

  He wore a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans with blue tennis shoes. His hair was a chestnut color. He looked look a dryad.  I looked at him and he looked at me curiously. "Who are you?" I asked him. "James Evergreen. You?" "Iereen McHael." I responded "Are you a dryad?" I asked him. "Nope, I'm a forest guardian" James laughed showing me him wings, they were shaped like oak leaves. "What are you Iereen?" James asked. "I'm a demigod daughter of Aphrodite." shock crept up his face, then he relaxed.

"My dad's Pan but he's dead now." he told me sadly. "So, your like a demigod of the wild then." he smiled at the thought. "Where do you live?" I asked "More like ensnared, I'm stuck in an oak tree by a lake in Camp Half-Blood." then I started to wake up. "I'll find you when I wake up." I promised. 

   Then the sun entered my vision. I jumped out of bed, got dressed and headed out to find him. I got to the lake and decided to try and find him using my telepathy amulet. James! I thought. Iereen? he asked, good I got an answer. Where the Hades are you? he asked. I'm by the lake, which tree are you in?, before he could answer the tree across the lake started glowing. There's been a lot of glowing things happening lately. I thought to myself. I had a major problem though, I had no way across the lake.

     I had eight options, I telemessaged all of them. Gryffin, Kelly and Aellô showed up first. Then Pheobe,Rider, Ezzy and Lucian showed up as a group. Skylnn came running with Elwood, Orwynn right behind them with Lacey."Ha, I knew you were hiding something bess up Lace." "Fine, you know the spell you cast for everyone. Well, your friends wanted to thank you. So, they asked me to grab the spell book you used. Then, I helped Ezmeralda cast the spell. And now we're here trying to figure out how to get your friend out of a tree." she explained. Then I noticed another glowing tree, a birch tree. "Orwynn?" "Yep, her name's Sasha. She's a daughter of Circe. And her best friend is James, the got caught in a duel between one of their friends and some jerk. That's why they're stuck in those trees." he explained. "Phee, could you please split us a path?" I asked. She nodded then started concentrating, the water moved revealing the bottom. We all ran a crossed fairly quickly because we knew she couldn't hold it for long.

    The water slowly came back together once all of us were on land. Then Pheobe jumped in, willing the water to propel her forward and onto the land on the other side. "Well, now what?" Ezzy panted. Truth is, I didn't know. So, I did the reasonable thing. I followed my heart. Orwynn immediately started talking to Sasha, asking her questions at random. Each time they both answered a question the glowing got brighter. I went about it a different way I started charmspeaking. Well, more like spell singing. I started randomly singing Bubbly by Colbie Caillat. I don't know why but it just seemed right.

  "You make me smile,please stay for awhile now. Just take your time now, wherever you go."  I sung. James joined in laughing at what I was doing. "Cause it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose. Wherever you go I always know." he sung, his voice was beautiful. Then we sang the last verse. "Wherever, wherever you go."  on the last note I touched my hand to the pine tree, but instead of feeling bark my hand was met by a dark green hand and found myself face to face with glowing yellow eyes.

 "Hi." I breathed. "Hi." we spent a moment lost in each other's eyes. Then I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him in close, closing my eyes. And kissed him, he started to glow softly. When I opened my eyes again, I was met with the same yellow eyes. But he was different, he had olive skin now with the same chestnut hair. I had freed him from the forest, now he was just a demigod son of the wild.

   We looked over at Orwynn. Whom was staring into the eyes of a girl with auburn hair and lilac eyes. wearing the same color dress with a California tan. James created a bridge of vines for us to go back acrossed to Camp Half-Blood. Where a surprised Chiron, smiled at us. He recognized James and Sasha instantly.

"Where have you two been for the last twenty years?" "Oh you know Chiron, we've just been stuck inside a birch tree and pine tree. You know the usual." James answered sarcastically rolling his eyes. "And encase you didn't notice, I'm a demigod now. Son of Pan." anger mingling in his voice. "Austin, told you we were dead. And you didn't believe him, we know that you were the only one that came looking for us." tears were streaming down his face. Then he ran out of the Big House crying  me following close behind. "James slow down!" I called after him. He stopped at Thalia's Pine tree. I found him humming a beautiful song that I didn't know, but I knew the language. "It's an Italian lullaby isn't it?" I asked he nodded wiping tears from his face.

  "My mom used to sing it to me." he told me. The lunch conk shell sounded. "Come on you must be hungry after twenty years inside a tree, come on let's go eat." I told him as I took his hand, he didn't pull away. I had jumbliya with a peanut butter milkshake, don't judge I happen to like them. I tried coaxing him to try my milkshake. "I'm not going to try it." he laughed. I took this chance to shove a spoon full in to his mouth. "Hmm." the shock on his face made me laugh as he removed the spoon. "Okay one not cool, two you were right." he chuckled. James came quick friends with Elwood during lunch as well. It was nice.

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