Ch. 19 I Tame A Living Dragon

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    The next day we all said nothing at breakfast. We were all to scared to say anything, so naturally we thought it. 

What do you think is gonna happen?  Ezzy asked. 

To tell you the truth I don't know. I just hope we comeback alive.  

Everybody nodded in agreement. Orwynn had linked the seven in on our conversation, everyone with grave faces. Finally, Ezzy burst. 

"Ahh, I can't take it any more! Why are we focusing on the things that could happen, instead of looking at things in the present! Yes, we  acknowledge that it could happen. So what, it doesn't mean it's going to happen!" she huffed then sat down again. Everyone just stared at her for five minutes, then Hazel started to smile.

 "Nice speech." she told Ezzy. Everybody burst out laughing, a small break from seriousness. 

"She's right though. The best we all can do is try to stay positive." Piper told us.

  "Well, let's go get our things, say our goodbyes, and head out on a good note." I shouted as I started running to my cabin. Half way there how ever, let's just say I was surprised.  There in the center of the of the pathway, was a red living...breathing dragon. And he was staring right at me. His scales looked like living fire in the light, as he breathed in and out. There was something familiar about him though. I looked into his ruby red eyes there was confusion in them.  Wait ruby red eyes? "Festus?" I blurted out. The dragon nodded. "How, why?" I asked him. 

How should I know I've been an animatronic dragon my whole life!  an aggravated voice rang in my head. "Festus calm down, I don't know how but I can understand you." I told him, shock written on both of our faces. 

  I stepped closer, he flinched but didn't run away. "I got you Festus." I told him as I pet his head, his scales turning bronze from my touch and his breathing slowed. Features was in a word...huge. He was at least two hundred foot long and seventy foot tall. He looked almost righteous.

 "Lucian, what are you doing get away from that thing!" shouted Leo. 

"Leo, this dragon is Festus. Just calm down." I told him. 

"There's no way that's Festus." 

"Leo look into his eyes." I ordered him. 

"Why woul-" 

"Just do it ." I yelled at him. After a few moments he did, realization slapping him in the face. 

"How?" he asked me, I shrugged.

"You'll need to rest more often, you know that right?" I asked Festus he rolled his eyes in reply. "

Gee Lucian, I thought I'd just fly until my heart burst. What do you think genius, of course I know."  Leo burst out laughing from his best friend's sarcastic remark. 

"Glad I'm not the only one who can understand him." I said as I laughed with my brother. Then Festus puck me up and put me on his back, then Leo.

 "Festus, where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just flew picking up the others as we went. When all eight of us plus Leo where on Festus,then he answered. 

"We're going to get you guys your own dragons. I'm Leo's." 

"Cool, and aww thanks buddy you do love me." Leo remarked batting his eyes innocently. 

"Leo, I hate to break it to you but your a complete and utter dork." Skylnn told him in the dragon language. 

"Hey!" we all burst out laughing. 

   We kept talking like this for another hour, me and Skylnn linking the others in on ur conversation with Festus. When we came to a large cave, Festus landed.

  "Only you eight can enter now, you'll know if the dragon chooses you. Because, an egg will hatch. The first person a hatchling sees they imprint on that person. They usually share the same magical qualities as their master."  Festus said. 

"We'll be waiting out here." Leo nodded. Then the eight of us headed in. Iereen got bored as we walked and started humming Titanium by David Guetta. Someone hummed back. I'm going to follow it. She telepathically told us we nodded. We walked on deeper into the cave seeing egg after egg. 

    Ezzy irrupted into hot pink flames in frustration, so did the egg beside her.  Phee began to glow sea blue and followed the glow to her egg. Orwynn and Gryffin's were siblings in the same nest. Rider's started vibrating as he passed. Mine was at the back of the cave I felt it. I started  running, it took me five minutes to find the back of the cave. 

   A light shown down on me and a celestial bronze egg. I glowed with slight flames, as did the cracks in the egg as it started to hatch. I walked closer to it. 

"Need help little guy?" I asked chuckling a little. Before I could help to hatchling though it's eggshell broke away like a flower. Revealing a small bronze dragon looking straight at me curiously. It's eyes the color of the sun, changing between red,orange, and yellow. I crouched down to where it could reach me. It stepped out of it's nest. In my head rang the laughter of a baby girl. My dragon we a she. She came up to me and nuzzuled my face. She was so small, only the size of my arm. And she weighed only twenty pounds. I noticed this as I carried her, putting the pieces of her shell in my travel bag. Now I had to figure out what to name her. I decided on Krysanthe, meaning Golden Flower. Krysi for short.

   Which I felt was appropriate. I found my friends waiting for me outside the cave. All looking happy as I brought Krysi out.

 "What's her name?" asked Skylnn eagerly, then I put one finger up to my lips signaling she was sleeping. Then I whispered "Krysanthe." her dragon was sleeping on her shoulders, he was the color of the moon, and eyes of silver teal. She called him Astraeus. Ezzy's was a forest green dragon with ever changing curious eyes.  Ezzy decided to call her Laurel. Rider was already playing with his silver and golden mischievous eyed dragon, who he proudly called Zephyr. Phee' was a sea green dragon that was built for swimming with it's blue fins, and eyes the color of pearl. She named her Eldoris. Gryffin and Orwynn's dragons were twins so they decided that their names should mean the same thing. Which obviously was wisdom. Gryffin named his dragon Pallas. He real seemed to like his name for a storm cloud colored dragon with lightning in his scales with sky blue eyes. Orwynn's named his Alithia. She was grey with royal blue eyes. Iereen's was a rose color with hot pink eyes, whom she endearingly called Kalika.

 Leo even enjoyed them. And their wings were really cute and tiny. So they definitely couldn't fly yet. Then we flew back to camp to get everything. Everyone asked where we got them and we told them we swore on the river Styx never to tell. We said our goodbyes, made sure we all had at least thirty drachmas, had enough ambrosia and nectar and at least two hundred dollars of mortal money. Argus drove us to the nearest bus stop. After that we were on our own. We decided to take the bus so our small companions could rest from all of the excitement at camp.  This was going to be a long journey.

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