Ch. 9 Second Day And I Get Into A Fight

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Hi, my name is Rider Clauson. I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, and stand six foot six. I am happily dating Pheobe Spire and I like to hangout with my friends in my free time.

  We got our schedules when we woke up on our second day at camp. We found all our activities were together. I guess Chiron saw how close he were and decided not to separate us. Percy was the instructor today along with Frank a son of Mars from the Roman camp, whom was Pheobe's new distant cousin. The class was only the eight of us. "Okay, today we're just going to  cover the basics. You are able to use any of the powers you may posses. Any questions?" Percy asked. " Are we able to use the weapon we prefer instead of a sword?" I asked looking at my friends. "Yeah, it's basically the same principle of stance." Frank told us.

   "First, show us what you know. We'll be pairing you up, Rider with me and Pheobe with Frank the rest of you can  choose who your with." Percy instructed us. Pheobe and I gave each other the same look. The  Why the Hades did he single us out?  look. I drew my sword, as did Percy. "Ready ?" he asked "As I'll ever be." I responded. Then he make his move, I block it easily. Then I turned around and struck him with the butt of my sword. I wasn't even using my super speed. Yet...everything seemed slow. I blocked his every move with ease. He was just as fast, I realized he'd been holding back. 

    Was he angry? Then I notice his eyes were golden instead of there normal sea green. "Percy, I don't know how, or what is controlling you but I don't want to hurt you. You need to fight it." I told him. The next thing I knew, he screamed one eye back to normal and Annabeth appeared at his side. "Ezmeralda you were right, Percy there's an Eidonlon controlling you. You need to fight it, think about me,Pheobe, the seven and Grover." urgency clearly heard in her voice. The others of the Seven quickly showed up after. Then out of no where Ree started charmspeaking. "You are not in control of Percy. You know this, and you shall leave him and this place at once. And never come here again." her voice was stern and fierce. A few moments later golden mist came out of  Percy's mouth and he collapsed. I switched my sword back to a cuff and we all surrounded him. Pheobe sprouting fox ears from worry. Frank looked at her curiously "When-" "Before we arrived now shush." she hissed. 

   Leo was with his girlfriend Calypso on the other side of the circle grinning mischievously and then looking over at her. "Oh if you absolutely can't help yourself." Calypso said rolling her eyes. "So Pheobe.. does this make you a literal foxy lady?" at that point Percy jolted awake Riptide out, my sword which I decided to call Winged Spirit was out both pointed at Leo. And Pheobe was just laughing and wriggling her fox ears. First confused looking at his sister, then proceeded to shout "Oh,come on!" "Yep, that's my Seaweed brain." Annabeth giggled. And  everyone burst out laughing.  Phee came over to me and kissed my after her fox ears went away, while Percy continued to scold Leo about calling his little sister a foxy lady. " But she had fox ears, did you really expect me to pass that up!" Leo told him, Percy just face palmed. "We better get going, lunch will be starting soon." I told the surrounding people in the arena who were watching this amusing sight. Percy heard and said something about blue food as he ran by. Then me wanting to show off ran after him super speed at minimal and pasted him easily. And of course I said hi on my way by. 

   After lunch, we told the Seven about our special abilities, and they told us why they were called the Seven. Something about saving the world from a primordial goddess? I wasn't really paying attention. Frank helped Phee with her shapeshifting because she already had a good handle on her hydrokenisis. He was super surprised when she suddenly walked into the water, and turned back up as a hippocampus and slashed him. Skylnn translating that she was bored, before Phee turned back to herself. "I can't even turn into a hippocampus." Frank stated with a proud grin on his face. 

 From there the day was pretty much done, and we all just practiced our abilities. Annabeth struggling to help Orwynn because he's the only one with telepathy in the entire Athena cabin. Dinner and the campfire were pretty chill, and so was that night. We should have known it wouldn't last.

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