Ch. 23 We're In Arizona, And I Meet The Gorgons (Thank Gods No Medusa)

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     Leo, Elwood, Deiliah, and Festus on their way back to the Dragon Cave. Yes, that's what I decided to call it. Now we were probably an hour out from Pheonix, Arizona. Birth place to the one and only Skylnn Lyre. And she was not happy to be back. Honestly, neither would I if my parents were dead and I was taken away from the only place I'd known as home. Okay, I don't think she remembers that exactly, but it still had to be creepy.

  "What do you think Pallas, you like the view?" I asked my dragon. 

"Honestly, we've seen better on the way here. Now, the land just seems barren. Well, besides the houses and shops." he replied dryly. He really did not like Arizona.

      "Guys, there's something I need to tell you. I think I know who took Hera's diadem." Skylnn spoke up. 

"Who?" Ree asked. 

"Arachne." she breathed simply "or Io. Either way, they both may hold a grudge against the gods." 

"Well, definitely Arachne. She attacked Annabeth. Children of Athena and all." Orwynn interjected. Everyone except Skylnn and Ezzy looked blankly at him.

 "Ezzy explain." Skylnn asked her, as she promptly face palmed soon after. 

"Athena turned Arachne into a spider because she boasted that her weaving was still better than the goddess's. It was pretty bad." Ezzy explained the just of the myth, rubbing the back of her neck. I could have sworn she had a vision about it.

   "Well, I'm hungry." called Lucian from the driver's seat. Next thing we knew he had turned the van into the drive through of a Culver's. The dragons let out a collective yay. Their weird like that, I guessed at that point it had become their favorite restaurant. So we all went in and well.... let's just say our servers were interesting, for a lack of a better word.

"Hello I'm Stheno, would you like to die today?" she asked us. 

"Can we eat first and then talk about it?" Pallas asked curiously, with a hint of fear in his voice.  

"Fine, but only because we're getting payed." her sister snarled. Euryale..I think.... I don't know I didn't get a good glimpse of her name tag. Luckily, they didn't poison us. We all found this really surprising because of Percy's story about the gorgons. We still mourn the loss of his Panda Pillow pet.

" I don't see why they have to die. Also I hate that you make me say it!" Stheno yelled at her sister. "Not to mention they tipped us!" 

"Well, encase you haven't noticed sister dear it's what we do." sarcasm and agitation oozing from Euryale's words. Irritation between the two was growing. It was to the point where I got up, went behind the counter, unsheathed my sword... and snapped. 

"Will you two shut up!!!" I screamed. Then while they were stunned I turned them to dust. 

   My friends looked at me in awe.

 I sighed, "They were getting on my nerves." 

"Note to self, never get on your bad side." Lucian told himself giving me a smile. Then we simply left, and started our search once more for Hera's diadem.

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