Ch.21 Alithia Finds The Minotaur (We Are So Dead)

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    After everyone was out of the pool and ready to go, we all hopped into the van that Ella had rented for us(Thank Gods!).  Then we said our good byes and hit the road. And since Ezzy,Lucian, and I were the only ones with our licenses, we took turns driving. Alithia slept with her brother and the others while I drove. I had slept just enough that I could drive without falling asleep and sending us into a ditch. We were in New Mexico now, close to Arizona. So far that day we'd been attacked by: a giant scorpion that spat fire, a bronze bull (which Lucian happily dismantled for parts.), and a empousa. Whom Pheobe mangled for calling Percy a wimp, then told her just before she turned her to dust to tell Kelli Percy's sister said hi. Needless to say everyone was in a somber mood that day.

   Although, being a demigod isn't that bad. I'm glad to be a son of Athena. And I thought this while driving. Next thing I knew she was right beside me in the passenger's seat holding Alithia, who was contently looking up at her. 

"Mom, what... you know what just tell me." I told her keeping my eyes on the road as much as I could with out being rude.

 "I came here to talk and give a gift to Alithia. Nice name choice by the way." Athena chuckled slightly.

 "Thanks, Alithia is a handful though." I smiled.   

"A present for me?" Alithia asked Athena surprised. Athena nodded, I guess she knew more dragon than I thought.  Athena held out a blessed silver medallion which laid upon a imperial white gold caller necklace, below the owl of the medallion was engraved with a name in ancient Greek...Alithia. 

  "You've a dangerous path ahead of you my child, both of you." she told us as she gently adorned Alithia with the gift.

  "We know and we'll be ready." Alithia told her confidently. 

"I know you will, but I'm worried about the others as well. " she sighed. Then after setting Alithia down, in a puff of silver she was gone. And from there Alithia shapeshifted into her human form. We found it matched our dragons ages at first. Then it led more towards their demeanor. And since Alithia acted a little more mature than the others she looked like she was eleven, the necklace shrinking to its human size. "I like it." she announced proudly looking in the mirror. 

   "I'm glad." I told her. Then her expression changed as she shushed me. Telling the others to wake up in a whisper and yelling telepathically. Everyone bolted up right, I probably would have laughed under different circumstances.  Next thing I knew Alithia had some how stopped the van, gotten out and gone running.

 "Alithia!!" I called after her. Lucian and Krysanthe stayed behaving to guard our ride. Of course I didn't know this at the time, due to the fact that I was chasing my shapeshifting dragon.

Then I saw it, what she sensed. Alithia and I had literally come face to face with the Minotaur. But there was something different about it, almost gentle and smaller than I imagined.

  "Hello Asterion." Alithia told him softly.

  "Why is he so small?" I asked her. She dragon shrugged. A voice rang in my head. 

"Free the child of the stars considered a beast." it told me. Alithia looked at me telling me she heard the same words I did.  No sooner had we done this had Ezzy started chanting.

 "Don't worry we heard her too."  Laurel told us. Then Ezzy started to buckle, I ran over to my friend frantically. I felt my energy being drained a little as soon as I touched her. She was on her feet after that, where as I felt a little tired. I felt like some thing was missing from her spell though. But what?

     Then it hit me, he needed love. I don't know how I figured that out. At that moment I started walking towards him, speaking in soft tones. It calmed him down immensely, he had been thrashing before causing Ezzy to use more energy than usual. Iereen joining in charmspeaking, slowly and soothingly. Alithia was the one to grab him, for he was smaller now. By a lot.  Because... well... I'm not sure what exactly happened to him. 

  Alithia grabbed something... it was an egg. Now you may be wondering why I'm surprised by this, so that me rephrase this. It was an opal egg!  "So, now what?" Ezzy asked. "I guess we take him to the cave." I suggested. "Have a better idea." Laurel told us as she pointed her tail towards the sky. I could see a familiar face a top a very familiar red dragon, with two other on his back. 

"Okay, how'd  you pull this one off?" I asked.

 "Simple, she astral projected." Leo answered laughing. "That's it that's what I saw." exclaimed the girl behind him. "Oh, sorry. My name's Deiliah." she introduced herself. She was clearly Native American, with striking green gold eyes. The third person went to find Skylnn straight away. Soon we heard a happy squeal of  "Elwood!" as she kissed him happily.

  Soon after that we went to the van, where Lucian and Krysanthe were waiting. I had no idea how we were going to explain this one.

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