Ch. 10 Kelly's A Girl Now And I Get Attacked By Chimera

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 After the campfire I hit the hay. The Hecate cabin was amazing it had all sorts of spell books and potion ingredients. And I had my own room! However, the next morning the whole camp was woken up by a girl screaming. I quickly got dressed in a camp shirt and jeans with green tennis shoes, and used my wand to apparate to the infirmary. 

"Kelly, calm down you literally woke the whole camp." the now she looked at me and stopped. "Sorry, I guess I forget." she felt her throat, as if not believing that the voice was hers. It was six octaves higher than her old one. Kelly's hair was the same dyed red tipped hair it had always been except now shoulder length, her skin tone was the same tan, but her eyes were a pink now. Lucian had arrived after me and had told the others to go on without us. "Everything okay?" "Yeah, someone just forgot about there punishment." I told Lucian as I magiced clothes from my crate in my cabin on to the cot where Kelly had been. She was examining her self carefully. I turned my wand back into a raven ring and tapped her shoulder. 

   "Here, these should fit you." I said handing her the clothes and gesturing towards the bathroom. To be honest she did look pretty and I knew she had a long ride ahead of her. " Uh Ezzy,can I ask you something?" Lucian asked me snapping me out of my always everywhere thoughts. "Sure shoot." "I know that your heart is in the right place, it always is. But, are you sure you should be helping her?" "Lucian I understand your concern. But sometimes the best thing we can do for people is try and help them, even if they don't deserve our kindness." I sounded wise, it felt great. Then Lucian grabbed my hand and pulled me close eyes glowing with happiness. "Wise words from a wise girl." he smiled down on me like I was his whole world and kissed me. After Iereen accidentally used charmspeak on us, and we'd talked about it we figured out that we like each other. And Iereen learned a true love spell that morning and used it on us, it was supposed to lead you to your soulmate and it lead us to each other.  

  When Kelly came out, she had figured out how to put her hair in a ponytail and thanked me for my help. The clothes I picked out for her looked nice. She wore a blue blouse and jeans with a turquoise stone neacklce that brought out her eyes and simple black converse, I had also supplied a hoodie. "Your welcome, we better go tell your siblings." I told her and then we headed to her cabin. 

"Kelly is that really you?" asked Clarisse curiously "Yeah, it's me." she answered her quietly. Clarissa still stared at her. Kelly rolled her eyes "Dad got on you about the quest you went to on the sea of monsters when I was eight, telling you not to screw up. I came in to see you in tears and comforted you." Clarisse looked shocked, but her expression immediately softened. "I didn't think you remembered that." she whispered to herself, then turned to her siblings. " Okay, so I know Kelly's been a jerk. But she has done some nice things for all of us. So let's try to be nice to our sister." she told them. "Ezmeralda, Lucian you guys can go I got this." she told us smiling.

  Then we left for the forest for endurance training with the dryads. Rider made us eat dust when we were running. The rest of the activities we did everyone pretty much sucked at.  After that was over (thank Gods). We went to the Hephaestus Cabin where Lucian helped the others make a shield. He knew I was fine. I made a shield that turned into blessed silver snake  bracelet. Leo came over and looked impressed. "Your almost as good as me." he grinned. "She's better." Lucian called from the other side of the cabin. "Only in your eyes bro." Leo yelled back.

   After I put the fininshing touches on it, I left with it and went to get some fresh air. I walked on the paths in the woods. When I got to Zeus's Fist I sat down near a juniper tree. Where a dryad I was friends with lived. "Hey Ezzy, sup?" "Not much June." I replied. Her full name is Juniper Underwood (she got married to Grover two months before our arrival.) . "You and Grover happy?" "More than." she said rubbing her baby bump. "I'm glad." "You sound overjoyed today, it's Lucian isn't it." I nodded and smiled dreamily, I had hardly known Juniper for a few days and she could already read me. I looked at my watch, half an hour till lunch. "Go, on I'll see you later." and with that she disappeared into her tree.

  On my way back, I felt like I was being stalked. Then I heard growling, I turned around to see my nightmares brought to life. The Chimera was right in front of me, snake tail and all. I tapped my ring thinking about a sword, which it turned into. And unsheathed my blessed silver shield with Hecate's torches on the front. I was alone and going to battle a monster alone.  I took a deep breathe. Better now than never  I thought. And charged screaming a battle cry. I started slashing at it's lion's face, I ended up cutting one of it's eyes and half blinding it. Good keep going, you can do this! I told my self, adrenaline pulsed through my veins. I was literally on fire, sword and all. It blasted fire at me from it's snake tail. I just laughed "I'm fireproof idiot.", I proceeded to stab it in the leg. Success, the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Now, I probably would have been barfing at this point if my life didn't depend on it!  While it was unbalanced I decided to go for the kill. I charged once more, aiming at it's lion head. Monster dust went everywhere. I had killed one of the strongest monsters in history. I had killed the Chimera alone

  I walked back to camp in shock. I missed lunch and I knew my friends had been looking everywhere for me.  Lucian and Percy found me first. My sword and shield were sheathed. It was just me and a shocked look on my face, and tattered clothes. The shock faded away to a proud smile. "Ezzy what happened?" Lucian asked worried sick. "Your probably not gonna believe me but, I just killed the Chimera on my own." I told him chuckling. He pulled me into a hug. " Do me a favor, next time tell us where your going." Percy said sarcastically. "Sorry can't make any promises." I shrugged.  Then realization crept along his face "Did you say Chimera? Alone?" I nodded proudly. "I better go tell Chiron it got through the barrier. Later Percy !" I called as a ran off after grabbing Lucian's hand and dragging him behind me.

   "I don't know how it got through the barrier Chiron. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault. All that matters is that your safe."a soft small smile on his face. "You've done well Ezmeralda. You better go talk to the rest of your friends. They're outside waiting for you." I nodded and went outside. Next thing I knew I was bombarded by questions. "Slow down, I'm fine, it was scary, and I'm glad it's over. Now if you excuse me I need to go get a snack." 

 And I left with Lucian holding onto me as we walked. "You were brave you know that, right?" he whispered kissing my forehead "I know." and we headed for the kitchen. 

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