a· 1:35PM

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"Mama! Sebbie is being mean!" Reid ran into the living room where Alex and Lin sat. It had been roughly 4 years since Reid was born, and Alex still couldn't believe her gorgeous son had once been inside of her, swimming and kicking.

"Sebastian!" Lin yelled, "You get in here right now, young man!"

"Yes, papa." Sebastian walked in, walking directly to Lin.

"What happened to make Reid say that you were being mean?" Lin questioned, wanting to make sure something happened before reprimanding his son.

"RJ had my truck, and he knows it's MY truck! So I took it back, and he got mad, so I called him a mean name."

"Sebastian Miranda, what did you call your cousin?"

"A booger-faced monster." Sebastian said, sniffling. Lin could be intimidating with his son.

"Seb, you're 7, and Reid is only four, you have to be nice to everyone you meet, even if they have your toys. What would be a smart thing to say to Reid if you wanted your truck back?" Alex intervened before Lin could make Sebastian. He was a strict father, and Alex wanted to save Sebastian the tears.

"I shoulda sayed 'I please have my truck?"

"May I please have my truck, Reid." Alex corrected him gently, pulling him from close to Lin over to where she and Reid were.

"May I please have my truck, Reid?" Sebastian repeated, looking to Reid with sad eyes.

"A'course you can!" Reid and Sebastian ran back to play in the playroom, an addition that Daveed had had added to the house.

"Our sons are adorable."

"Alex, baby, we need milk, I'm going to run to the store. Do you want anything?"

"Maybe a McDonald's Sweet Tea on the way home? And lady products. You know what kind."

"The orange box!" He smiled, proud of himself for remembering the small detail.

"Good job. I can't wait to marry you."

"Two days, baby." Daveed kissed her head and walked out of the door.

"Two days and I'll officially be a Diggs."

"Are you taking his name, or are you going to be hyphenated?"

"I am going to take his last name, so all three of us will be Diggs together."

"That's cute." Lin glanced to his phone. "Vanessa wants me home soon."

"Its fine, go ahead!"

"Okay. SEBASTIAN! GET CLEANED UP AND READY TO GO!" The boys quickly cleaned and Sebastian and Reid ran to the living room.

"Mommy, can I please go to Sebastian's house?"

"Did you ask uncle Lin?"

"My favoritest Uncle Lin, can I please please please come over? I wanna play with Sebbie more!"

"Its okay with me, as long as it's okay with your mama."

"Its fine with me, hijo." She said, slipping into Spanish and accidentally saying son in Spanish instead of English.

"Mama! Stop speaking Spanish, that makes my brain hurt!" Reid commanded.

"Reid, hijo, lose that attitude, child, or you will be going up to your room."

"Yes, mama, I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Reid, I love you. Be careful playing at Uncle Lin and Auntie V's house."

"I will, mama, I love you."

"I love you too, Reid. Sebastian, keep an eye on my Reid, okay?"

"Yes, Auntie! I will, I promise!"

"Thank you, Seb, come give auntie a hug." Alex opened her arms and Sebastian ran and hugged her. Reid waited for his turn and hugged his mother gently.

"I love you so much, mama, tell daddy I love him."

"I will, RJ, we love you too." They left, running to Lin's car, talking excitedly about what they were going to do at Lin's house.

"Good luck, brother." Alex hugged Lin.

"Thanks, sister."

"No, problem, love."

After Lin and the boys left, Daveed texted to say he made it to the store in mint condition. Alex walked to her chair and laid back, quickly drifting off to sleep.

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