F· 1:07AM

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The storm rolled into New York City, and Daveed was fast asleep, but the other person in his house was wide awake. Alex sat up, taking in the weird room that she had never been in before. The room smelled strangely of Daveed and caramel, which made Alex crinkle her nose and sniff again. The Daveed smell was coming from the hoodie she was wearing, but she couldn't find the source of the caramel smell. Thunder clapped and Alex tensed, her body rigid with fear. Alex wasn't afraid of much, but storms were one of the few things that reached under her skin. She stood up, feeling her bare feet on the hard wood floor. She walked to the door, pushing it open. She surveyed the hallway for possible predators, as every person does when entering a hallway in the dark. She quickly checked the time on her phone, 1:07AM, and then  checked the one message on her phone.

StinkyOlderBro: You're at Daveed's. Hopefully the spare room. He only has two rooms. It's supposed to storm. If it does, don't be afraid to go to Daveed. He'll take care of you.

Thunder clapped again and she walked to the dark, oak door, trying to stay quiet. She re-read the end of the message, 'he'll take care of you.' and she stood still,  contemplating entering, until she heard lightning crack. She quietly opened the door, slipping into his room. She could see his sleeping figure in the light from the window, and he looked peaceful, despite the loud, scary storm occurring outside of his Windows. He slept on the right side of the bed, facing the left side of the bed. His chest rose and fell with its own beat. She tiptoed to the left side and slowly slid in, squeaking slightly when thunder clapped once more. Daveed must have heard her because his eyes shot open.

"Alex, what.." His deep, sleepy voice made Alex freeze. She turned to him quickly.

"Storms, scary, help." She murmured as lightning cracked. She slid under the covers, trying to escape the storm.

"I've got you, baby girl." Daveed pulled her into his arms, holding her closely to his body. "You can sleep now, I'll protect you, babe." Daveed nuzzled his nose into her hair, smiling. "I've got you, doll." Soon, soft snores sounded from the angel on the empty side of his bed, and her ability to sleep through her biggest fear made him pull her closer and fall asleep quickly. The image was something you would see in a romantic movie, like the ones you see on the television during Christmas time. Two people cuddled tightly together, one being protective over the other, willing to protect them if anything were to go wrong. In his sleep, Daveed began to loose his grip, and Alex grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. He wrapped his arm around her stomach again, making her smile in her sleep. They were the vision of a perfect relationship, and they had known each other for less than four hours.

Times : Daveed DiggsWhere stories live. Discover now