Z· 8:28PM

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"I should have known it was too soon..." Daveed stood, and walked towards the door.

"Daveed, wait... you didn't let me answer. Yes, I'll marry you."

"Really? You'll marry me?"

"Of course, baby." Daveed ran back over and connected their lips. He took Reid and held him in his arms.

"Your mommy's going to marry me!" He rocked him. "Then we can all live in one house and have other little beans." Alex laughed. Everyone circled around her and congratulated her. She smiled and thanked them.

"Oh, silly daddy, I forgot!" Daveed pulled out a ring and walked to Alex, slipping it on her finger.

"Oh, Daveed this is too much."

"No, it's really not. It's worth any dollar amount, for you." He kissed her softly.

"Okay, kiddos, it's time to feed Reid and send him to the nursery for the night." Alex nodded at the nurse and shooed everyone out except for Pippa. Pippa sat in Daveed's chair as Reid latched on and began eating.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, not really. He doesn't have teeth, either, so that helps. He's such a sweet boy."

"I hope mines a boy."

"What? You? Oak?"

"Of course. We're expecting!"

"Girl, you better be expecting some delivery pizza. There is no way, after all I went through, that you are pregnant. I oughta slap you."

"Good thing I'm not. I almost had you."

"You know what I threatened Oak if he got you pregnant before there was a golden wedding band on both of your ring fingers," Alex said.

"That's right, she's still Alex." Pippa giggled. Reid finished drinking and Alex moved to burp him. Once she burped him, Alex handed her to the nurse, who put him in the cradle and pushed him to the nursery. Pippa left after saying goodbye, and Daveed returned. Alex scooted over on the bed and Daveed climbed in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, and they fell asleep wrapped around each other.

When she woke up the next morning, she saw Daveed already up, preparing the car seat to take Reid home. She got up and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. They walked out, after filling out paperwork, and they went to Daveed's car, which he pulled up to the edge. They went to the house, smiling as they saw the outside of the house decorated.

"Look at the welcome we get, and all you have to do is give birth." Daveed laughed. Alex climbed out and got Reid's car seat out, carrying it inside. She placed the seat on the kitchen table, glad to hear a quiet house. She unhooked the car seat buckle and carried Reid to the living room. Alex sat in the recliner and grabbed the feeding blanket she had bought, pulling it on and pulling Reid under the blanket to feed. She laid back, smiling to Angel.

"Hey, there, doll, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great." Alex responded. "I'm still tired, but I'm great."

"That's good. How had Reid been treating you?"

"He's been great. He's a doll. He only cries when anyone other than Daveed and I hold him."


"Yeah, he knows our touchs and our heartbeats. He's a smart little bean."

"That's adorable." Angel smiled. Reid finished drinking, and Alex peered under the blanket.

"Done already?" He started up at Alex. "I'll take that as 'yeah, mama, I'm done! Please, would you please burp me!" Alex and Angel laughed as she moved Reid and began burping him.

Times : Daveed DiggsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz