Y· 7:23PM

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Alex slowly opened her eyes and saw Daveed sitting in the chair next to her, holding her hand. He was fast asleep. She slowly looked around the room, her eyes landing on Pippa and Oak on the couch, holding the baby. She sat up quietly, still holding Daveed's hand.

"Hi, Pip, hi, Oak."

"You're awake? Daveed, your girlfriend is awake." Pippa said softly. Daveed's eyes shot open.

"What... why is it such a big deal... it's only... 7:23PM. I've only been asleep for 4 hours."

"Three days and four hours." Alex gasped at Pippa's answer.

"Three days?"

"Right after you fell asleep on Tuesday, your heart rate dropped. You've been out for three days. They've been breast feeding normally, but you've been unresponsive."

"Should you go get a nurse?" Alex asked. Daveed reached over and pressed the nurse call button. She ran in quickly.
"Good evening, Mr Diggs, and Alex, you're awake." The nurse said softly.

"Yeah, I'm up."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I had a really good nap." Alex smiled, and the nurse laughed.

"That's good. We're going to keep you for one more night to make sure everything stays normal, and then you can go home."

"Thank you. Could you bring me my son?"

"Of course." The nurse took Reid from Pippa and carried her to Alex. Alex held her arms out and took Reid from the nurses arms. She looked down at his face, smiling.

"Oh, Daveed, he looks like you."

"Our baby RJ."

"Reid Jefferson Diggs." Alex smiled, brushing his small hairs with her fingers. It was already dark and curly like hers and Daveed's. "I love you." She kissed his head.

"He's gorgeous."

"Has everyone in the cast come to see him?"

"They said they only wanted a few around him before you woke up."

"So, who has?"

"Lin, Vanessa, Sebastian, Pippa, Oak, and Jasmine." Daveed responded.

"That settles it. Go get Thayne and Jon." Alex commanded.

"You just woke up and you're already giving out orders." Pippa said, making Alex laugh. Reid smiled up at her as she laughed.

"Oh, you like when Mama laughs?" Reid smiled. "You're so cute, doll." Alex kissed his head.

"Uncle Thayne in the house!"

"And King Jon here to crown the new Prince." Jon said in a posh accent.

"Hey, you two, how are you?" Alex asked, smiling at her two friends.

"We were worried about you, but now we're great!" Alex laughed. She handed Reid to Jon. He held him gently, walking to sit down on the couch. He sat and both men talked to Reid in high pitched voices. She laughed, hugging Daveed. He slid into the bed next to her. She leaned against him, and he held her tightly against him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Many members of the cast filed into the room. They surrounded Alex, who was handed Reid again. She sat up, Daveed's arms still around her. She held her son, turning him so they could all see him.

"Well, we have enough people in here for this." Daveed slid out of the bed, and Alex turned to look at him. "Alexandria, I love you so much, and I want to be with you forever. I want to raise Reid and any other children we have together in the comfort of our home, in our love. Alex, baby, will you please marry me?"


Times : Daveed DiggsWhere stories live. Discover now