P· 7:32PM

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Daveed stood in the doorway, frozen in the way. Sebastian squeezed around his knees and ran to his parents, yelling about medicine.

"Baby... mine?" He murmured.

"Congratulations, Daveed."

"When did you find out?"

"Your last night on the show?"

"And you didn't think to tell the father that you were expecting?" His speech was angry, but the sound coming out of his mouth was sad, regretful. "This is why you never answered my calls. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Alex." He fell to his knees. "I'm so sorry."


"I'm so sorry... this is all my fault." Other members of cast filled in around him. Soon, everyone was there, watching the pain in Alex's eyes as she tried to chose between staying with Leslie or going to Daveed, the true father of her son.

"Go get him, tiger." Leslie whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You need him. I love you, but I want what's best for you, right now he's what's best for you." Leslie kissed her cheek. "Go."

Alex stood and walked to him. He looked up with tears in his eyes. "Do you know if we're... I mean, you're having a boy or a girl?"

"We're having a son." Alex said softly.

"You're taking me back?"

"Of course. I've never stopped loving you. I've tried, so hard, but I can't."

"What about Leslie?"

"He said for me to come to you. He wants what's best for me, and he said that you're what's best for me." Daveed stood and connected their lips. Alex closed her eyes tightly, trying to memorize the feeling. She heard a chair scoot and footsteps walk away. Daveed broke the kiss and pulled her into a hug, watching out for the baby bump.

"We're having a son!"

"She took you back? Wow." Lin said. Alex looked with a confused look to Lin. "I mean, you finally had a steady constant in your life, and you just let him walk away for your baby daddy."

"To leave Daveed was a mistake." Alex said coldly. "And I would appreciate if you wouldn't judge my relationship choices, Lin. Is anyone going to go find Leslie?" Alex asked.

"I haven't left. Thayne had to pee." Leslie said.

"What... you aren't upset?"

"Upset? I've shipped Dalex for so long."

"Dalex? That's the best ship name?"

"Aveed? Thats just Daveed without the D."

"I wish he wouldn't have had a D, then my baby sister wouldn't be pregnant."

"LIN-MANUEL!" Vanessa and Alex yelled at the same time.

"Daddy, what's a D?"

"Now look what you've done, Lin. You're on the couch tonight."


"You're being mean."

"Daddy's being a butt-butt!"

"No, daddy's not." Lin replied.

"Mommy and Auntie Alex say so." Daveed wrapped his arms around Alex, smiling at the four-year-old.

"I missed you so much, Alex."

"Why didn't you come back?"

"I saw you on Instagram and Twitter and stuff and you looked so happy, I didn't want to ruin that. I'd rather you be happy without me than sad without me."

"Daveed, I'm happier than ever now that I have all four of the males I need in my life."


"You, Jellybean, my best friend Leslie, and my big brother Lin."


"Kiss me already, kid."

"If you insist." Daveed pressed their lips together, Alex grabbed his neck.


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