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I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've just been working on something for this story that will be put before the first chapter. I know that will be a bitch to you, but that isn't all. I will be re-editing each chapter. So it doesn't seem like all just questions and answers. It's only like that because this is my first ever fanfic. But with the edit I will make it seem more like a book then just questions and answers. So please bear with me. Plus I can't do anymore updates untill I get episode 4. I have episodes, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and strangely 7. I have got some story line's down but they are for sometime after yagari arrives or after the ball.

I will state that some thing's you might not know what I'm talking about because i'm not one of you americans but I know some of you aren't even american. So if you don't know what i'm talking about then just search it. If the description to the thing doesn't help. But I know 1 or 2 of my fellow followers will know what i'm talking about because we know each other in person. They are.


I only mentioned them two because one of my followers (As tears running down face) no longer has wattpad. And for my other follower, well, he can just come to me and ask. Even though he shouldn't need to. Because he should use his brain more. Instead of playing video games all the time. Sure I do it to but atleast I still go out and hang out with my friends. Well if there not playing there games 24/7.

Because when i'm not playing games, hanging with friends or texting people. I'm either reading book's on here or i'm (Not many people tell other's they do this but)  talking to myself of things that I know will never happen, which in a way is sad really for some of them really. Sorry i'm blabering on here. So please just be patiant.

Btw. Incase some of you ask or think of asking. No. I'm not in school. I finished grade 12 in 2016. Quick year but very interesting for what me and my group of friends get up to. Well technically it's a debate on who is actually (what we class as the) leader of the group is. Because me and one of the other males of the group is kinda in a disagreement on who the leader is. so I'm going to have there be a vote on who the leader should be. Shhhhh. Don't tell him. There is only one person that can help me with it, to get votes.

I'm trying to wright up the next chapter. Which of cause will be hard without EP 4. I know you will be thinking. Well just get it or download it. It's not that easy for me right now. 1 because I have nowhere to go to get it. And 2 I can't download it because I don't have any connection. That is why I will try to download one episode a day when I get credit for my phone again. When ever that will. Hopefully in less then 1 and a half month's. Because that is when my sim card becomes useless. Or, I can be smart and ask a friend if I can borrow there's. If I recall correctly that they have it. Meaning Vampire Knight. But, I haven't seen it at there house so I'm not so sure

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