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I have finally finished editing this chapter, please enjoy.

About half hour after loosing the cops and hunters.

"Where are we going to live now?" Asked Relon. "We can't go back." Said Hanako. "Don't worry i have it all under control. Wait, i smell blood." Said Kuroko. "Yeah, it smells like..... Oh shitalkingmushrooms."Said Hanako in a worry tone.

"Kuroko, Relon's bleeding." Hanako said in a worry tone. "How?" Kuroko asked with obvious worry in his voice. "She's been shot, we need to get her to a hospital."Hanako said in a way of an order. "I don't need the hospital." Relon said with a small smile on her face. "Don't say that, you need to go to the hospital." Said Hanako with a tone of don't argue with me young lady. "Mum, i'm fine we-" Relon didn't get to finish her sentence before Hanako interrupted. "No, don't argue with me, you have been shot, so you are not fine." Hanako said with slight anger. "You're not fine for two reasons. One, you have been shot. And two, for some reason you don't heal. So no you-"Hanako didn't finish because Relon raised her voice at her mother. "Mum i know why i don't heal."

A few moment silence

"What?" Said Hanako with a tone of obvious disbelief.

"I know why i don't heal" Relon repeated in a lower tone.

"If you knew why you don't heal then why didn't you tell us?" Kuroko asked with obvious disappointment in his tone. "I....i don't know."Relon said while putting her head slightly down in shame. "How did you find out why you can't heal?" Asked Hanako with curiosity."I researched it." Said Relon. "How did you do that if we don't have a computer?" Asked Hanako. "The school has computers. So i searched there." Said Relon. "How did you do that without being seen?" Asked Kuroko. "I didn't." Said Relon. As Hanako shows a how did you then look.

"Only one person seen." Said Relon. "When did you do this?" Asked Hanako. "A while ago." Relon replied. "Who was it that seen?" Kuroko asked. "Takashi." Relon responded. "Which one is that?" Asked Kuroko. "My boyfriend." Relon replied. "Did he get a little suspicious with you searching that?" Asked Hanako. "Yes." While showing no signs of it being bad. "Well lets hope he doesn't find out that you are a vampire." Said Hanako "He already knows." Said Relon. "What?" Said Kuroko. "He only got suspicious because i specifically searched about why i don't heal." Said Relon. "Is this before or after he was your boyfriend?" Asked Hanako. "After." Said Relon. "Did he dump you after finding out?" Asked Kuroko in a curious way. "To your surprise, no, because after class he said that he'll protect me, no matter what. And plus he already knew before i did research." Said Relon.

"What did you find out in the research?" Asked Kuroko. "I found out that i couldn't heal because i'm a rare vampire." Said Relon. "What do you mean, rare?" Asked Kuroko. "I mean because the lower class vampires, like yourselves, aren't suppose to have kids, that's why i'm a rare." Said Relon. "Ok, now we know that isn't true." Said Kuroko. "Did you find out any information on how to heal?" Asked Hanako. "Yes" Said Relon.

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