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(Diamond 💎)
Natsu's POV
(A/N hehehe, changing it up a bit 😏)
I woke up to bright sunlight piercing it's way through my eyelids. Groggily, I realized that I was laying in damp, dew-covered grass. I slowly opened my eyes to see golden hair. A few minutes of startling confusion passed before I recalled the events of the previous night. I tried to stand up but then found that my arm was pinned beneath Lucy's back. She barely stirred as I put my other arm under her knees and lifted her up to carry her bridal-style. It was still early enough that I could bring Luce back to the girl's quarters without anyone else waking up. I did notice, though, that Levy didn't seem to be there. I just shrugged it off and started to head to my own cabin. I was stopped when my very keen ears heard the quietest whisper of chuckling. I then noticed that the door to the below-decks was wide open. I crept down the stairs to see Gray crouched next to the railing covering his mouth to stifle his laughter. He turned to me as I stood next to him, he yanked me down into a crouch with him and I raised an eyebrow at him. He put a finger to his lips then pointed at something. I followed his finger and saw Wendy and Romeo, the son of a fellow Fairy Tail pirate I've known since I was a child, kissing. I laughed so loud I fell straight down the stairs. Wendy gasped as she and Romeo parted. Wiping a tear from my eye and still chuckling, I said, "'Just friends huh?" I burst out laughing again as both their faces flushed bright red.
Gray was snickering from up above me on the stairs, Wendy saw him and covered her face as she blushed even more.
"S-s-shut u-up Natsu!" She said stuttering, I could tell she was flustered. Her expression then grew dark and she pointed an accusing finger at Gray. "Don't think I won't tell anyone about you and Juvia!" I fell back to the ground, shaking with laughter. "Oh yeah? Laugh it up now Natsu, I know about your little crush on Lucy!" That shut me up real quick. "So you guys better keep your traps shut!"
Gray and I sweat dropped while Romeo looked at Wendy with his mouth agape and his eyes showing pure love. Wendy has always been like a sister to me, and Romeo has always been a great kid. They're so cute together it warms my heart. I chuckle a little more, this time directing it toward Romeo, who Wendy caught staring at her. But what Wendy said slightly sours my mood, even though I don't show it. Me? I thought to myself. Have a crush on Lucy? My head spins and I try my hardest to brush off the idea. But, no matter how hard I try, I just can't. I can't shoo away the buzzing thoughts of her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and wonderful golden blonde hair.

I couldn't help it! I just HAD to have some RoWen in there, they're just too cute! Sorry this took sooooo long! ~ Diamond 💎

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