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I took a deep breath and walked towards Natsu's captains quarters.
I was gonna tell him. I had on a blue sundress when it happened.
The sky was so blue it was almost annoying. There were some clouds, not many, and birds soared through the air. I felt my stomach churning.
I had a bad feeling.
I grabbed the doorknob when the ship jolted to the side. I almost fell overboard if it weren't for my quick reflexes. I grabbed a rope and swing back around onto the deck.
"What's going on?" I asked Erza, who was at the wheel.
"We are being attacked." She said in a grim voice, not looking at me.
"By who?" I asked.
"The royal army. King Jude himself." She said.
My eyes went wider then ever and I looked around. I saw all my friends on the ship trying to fight off dad's troops.
"Erza! Go fight! I'll man the wheel!" I heard and Erza nodded.
She ran into the fight and Wendy came up, taking the wheel.
I wanted to help fight, but Carla said we had to get me out I here. She knew about my pregnancy and didn't want me getting hurt, along with Happy.
They grabbed me and started flying away when two people grabbed their tails and dragged them back towards the ship.
The dropped me but I was caught.
Suddenly, I was tied up and gagged. I was thrown over someone's shoulder and brought onto another ship.
"OK EVERYONE! WE GOT WHAT WE NEEDED! RETREAT!" I heard and the. The boat began moving castle away from Fairy Tail.
I couldn't scream and I was dropped rather roughly in an empty room.
I couldn't grab my stomach and I was worried for my baby.
Help me, Fairy Tail.


"NATSU!!" I heard Wendy scream.
The battle was over, but they had Lucy.
"What's wrong Wendy?" I asked.
"THEY TOOK LUCY!" She cried and fell to her knees.
I helped her up, and even though I'm worried, we need to plan this out.
"Wendy, we'll get Lucy back. But Erza, Gray, and I need a plan." I explained.
"WE DONT HAVE TIME!" Wendy yelled.
"Why?" I asked.
I felt my stomach drop.
My baby? I'm going to be a father? The love of my life is captured and pregnant with my first child.
I felt sudden rage and sadness.
I turned to my crew, who were all looking at me for answers.
"We head to the kingdom now. Gajeel take the wheel. Levy, navigate. The rest make sure there is no severe damage to the ship. Erza, Gray, Wendy, lets go." I ordered.
They all scrambled to their jobs and Erza, Wendy, and Gray followed me.

"We have to hurry"

Seafarers(NaLu Collab)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora