Chapter 18: It's Not Over

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The day at PAX ended fast. We went back to the hotel. I heard Jack climbing into his bed as I brush my just-dried hair. I looked in the mirror at my scars from Anti.

I set down my hairbrush and pulled out my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag. I squeezed the tube so slightly as the creamy mint flavored toothpaste oozed out of it.

I brushed my teeth, still looking at my scars in the mirror, worried that Anti wasn't gone forever.

"Kaela? Are you okay? You look scared." Jack stood in the doorway.

I spat out my toothpaste into the sink and replied, "No... I'm just worried about Anti. What if he comes back?"

I rinsed out my mouth with water as Jack said, "It'll be okay. Even if he does come back, which I highly doubt, I won't let him hurt you."

I hugged him. "Thanks Dad. I just don't want our lives ruined by someone that isn't real..."

"He didn't ruin our lives. He brought us together. I mean, yeah he's evil and tried to kill us, but he still did us a favor. Indirectly of course." Jack kissed the top of my head and left.

I looked back at the mirror and pulled out a makeup wipe. I rubbed of my eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. My lipstick was nearly gone when I saw something standing behind me in the mirror.

"Dad?" no response. "Jack?" again, no response.

I took a closer look at him. My eyes went wide when I realized who it was.

"Aaaaaaah!!!!!" I screamed.

Oooh! Cliffhanger. This will be all for book 1.

Look for Anti's Revenge, coming soon! It'll be book two for this!

Thanks for reading and give some of your suggestions for what I should write either in this book or another book!

Thanx!!! :3


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