Chapter 17: Panel

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We all went backstage. The workers equipped us with headsets.

The panel was about to begin. Mark went onstage first. The crowd cheered.

"Hey guys!" Mark said.

They cheered again.

"Okay, before we get started, I want everyone out here." he laughed a little. "So, first, we have the green haired, blue eyed, Irish, one and onlyyyyy..... JACKSEPTICEYE!!!!"

The crowd went crazy as Jack ran onstage and waved with both hands. "Hey everyone! It's great to be here! But let's give a huge, and I mean HUGE round of applause to SepticSky83, or should I say, KAELA!!!"

The fans clapped and yelled and cheered.

I ran into the stage and saw all of the fans that showed up. "Hi!" I yelled to everyone. They cheered again.

We all sat down. "So how is everyone?" Mark asked.

More cheering.

"Good. Good. It's great to have all of you come out here. So, today the three of us are playing Cards Against Humanity first, then we'll go on to questions and stuff. Sound good?" Mark said.

More cheering.

Jack pulled the box of cards out from under the table and set it on the table. He opened it and gave me and Mark 7 cards each.

"My life is full of blank and blank..." Jack read from the card. "Oh boy..."

Mark and I laughed and pulled two cards out. Jack looked away so he couldn't see who put what where.

"My life is full of 'bad WiFi' and 'memes'." Jack said, making us all laugh.

"Okay... Card set number 2. My life is full of 'pointless sh*t' and 'daddy issues'." Jack said the last two words laughing.

Everyone laughed so hard at that one. Even me.

"I obviously choose pointless sh*t and daddy issues..." Jack laughed out again.

"Yes!" I screeched, taking the black card from him.

"Wait- that is extremely offensive, Kaela!" Jack said, looking at me.

"Oh... Whoops?" I said, making Mark and the droid laugh.

"Wow... What a great daughter I have." Jack joked, making the crowd cheer even louder than they have yet today.


The questions began pouring in. I answered a few of them and one caught my attention though.

"Uh, my question is how did you and Kaela meet, Jack?" the lady asked.

"Well... Um... I went into this orphanage because I felt too lonely at my house. It was an old run down place, too. She was second in line After Tyler-" the lady cut Jack off right there.


"Tyler. She's now Mark's adopted daughter. Anyways, I asked her some questions and then came to one that's answer made me adopt her. The question was 'Is anyone ever mean to you here?' Kaela told me about three girls at the orphanage that were about her age that always beat her and Tyler up." Jack said.

"So, that's when my dad adopted both me and Tyler. But now Tyler is living with Mark to go to college here next year. So I'm just about to finish up high school in Ireland." I finished the story.

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