Chapter 9: Turn Pain Into Power

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Jack's Point Of View:

"Kaela?" I said, walking into Tyler's room. "Where is she?"

"She's at the orphanage. It was Anti. He took her there. This note says 'MA'sO' which means Ms. Alice's Orphanage. We created that code years ago in case we'd need to use it someday. And now she used it. For something I'd never expect... Anti wants her and you dead. That's what he's doing. He created those bully girls at the orphanage to torture us. Now he knows all of our weaknesses. He's using her to get to us." Kaela told me.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"He told me. At the warehouse. He's going to use me to kill people. And you and Tyler are the first ones. Ruby, Jenny and Emily are going to kill her. You stay here and I'll go." Kaela said.

"No. I'm going with you." I said outing my hand on her shoulder.

"No, Jack." Kaela said sternly, backing away from me, making my hand fall off her shoulder. "He'll kill you. I'm someone he wants alive. He won't kill me. But he'll kill you. Hide."

I stood speechless. Kaela walked passed me with her crutch and went into her room. She closed her door. I didn't move.

It was quiet for a few minutes. Then...

"Aaah!!!" Kaela screamed.

"Kaela!"  whipped around and opened her door. She was gone. Vanished. "No. No! NOOOO!"

I fell to my knees and broke down crying. I'm such a bad parent. I can't even keep track of these girls. Anti is the cause of this though. I have to kill him. Or die trying.


I made it to the orphanage. I knocked on the door. Ms. Alice answered it. She looked shocked to see me. "You? You just left though. How-?"

"I have umm... Uh- A twin. He just... He's just delusional. What did he do?" I asked.

"He dropped off Tyler and Kaela... And he said his name was Sean McLoughlin."

"Like I said, he's delusional. He thinks he's me sometimes. Its creepy actually." I looked her in the eyes. She looked afraid. "May I come in?"

"Sure. I assume you'd be wanting your kids back, am I right?" Ms. Alice led me to her office.

"Of course." I said as she closed the door and, strangely, locked it. "What- what are you doing?"

"Hello Jack." It was Anti! He was disguised as Ms. Alice! He switched back to his true form.

I heard a muffled scream from the closet. I ran back to it and opened it. It was the real Ms. Alice! And Tyler!

"What about Kaela?!?" I yelled at Anti.

Anti smirked evily. "I healed her and she said she'd work for me. So... She's alive."

"More than you think." A knife went through Anti's back. He flickered and dissapeared.

"Kaela!" I ran and hugged her.

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