Chapter 7: Rescue

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"Just wait until Sean gets a load of how broken you are." I cocked my head at his words.

Then he took the knife and sliced a long, deep cut into my left leg. It hurt so much But I didn't want him to think I was weak.

"You aren't much of a talker, I see. Just tell me where you think Sean and Tyler are. Now!" Anti yelled.

"Never." I growled.

"Such a bad girl." Anti cut my other cheek. "Change your mind yet?"

I shook my head no. Anti took the knife and dragged it along my right arm, leaving a long, deep cut.

I let out a scream of pain and began kicking my feet in attempt to fight him off. I just kept screaming though.

"Does that hurt?!? Does it?!?!?" Anti yelled in my face, still cutting my arm slowly.

I was crying at that point. I had stopped screaming. I nodded slowly to satisfy him.

"Good. Then this should hurt even worse!" Anti tried to thrust the knife into my stomach, but a hand grabbed his wrist before the blade could touch me.

"Get away from my daughter."

It was Jack! He punched Anti in the face, making him fall backwards. The knife flew out of his hand and slid across the floor, out of his reach. Jack looked at me and asked "Are you okay?" I nodded.

Anti grabbed Jack's shoulder with both hands and flung him backwards at the ground. He glared evily at me. Then Jack stood up and tackled Anti. They were wrestling on the ground to my left and I saw feet and fists swinging in every direction. They moved across the room, still swinging fists and kicking. Then, one of them was knocked out and the other stood up.

"Jack! Get me out of here!" I yelled to Jack.

"Kaela! Your arm!" Jack rushed over and untied the ropes that held me to the chair.

"It's fine let's just go." I tried to walk but I fell to the ground nearly instantly, forgetting about my leg. "Ow!"

"Kaela, what is it?" Jack knelt next to me.

"My- my leg. Anti- he... He used that knife to- to torture me... And he did this. All of this..." I replied.

"Okay... Let's get you home." Jack picked me up and carried me bridal style out of the building. It turns out it was an old warehouse just a few blocks down from Jack's house.

Jack layed down in the backseat of his car and sped down the street. Then he carried me once more into the house.

As soon as we got inside, Jack rushed me to the couch and yelled upstairs to Tyler: "Tyler! Get the first aid kit out of the bathroom!"

I could hear Tyler running from her room to the bathroom. She ran downstairs with a white box labeled 'First Aid'.

Jack opened the kit and pulled out rolls of bandages, some gauze pads, rubbing alcohol, and a bottle of painkillers.

"Sh*t. I'm out of painkillers." Jack went to the kitchen and opened a cabinet just barely in his reach. He pulled out a chrome flask. "I mean, it's really the only thing that I can do..." He handed the flask to me.

"That works." I grabbed the flask with my left arm and flipped open the cap, ready to drink it.

"Okay, this is going to be painful... So..." Jack unscrewed the lid of the rubbing alcohol and poured a little onto a gauze pad.

"I'm ready." I said, biting my lip.

He quickly started rubbing the long cut on my arm and I grunted in pain. I chugged about half of the vodka in the flask by the time he finished my arm.

"Okay! Okay. We're done with your arm." Jack said, putting dry gauze pads along the cut and then wrapping it with a roll of bandage.

"Thank god!" I said, chuckling a little.

"Okay... Now your cheeks." Jack took another gauze pad and put rubbing alcohol on it.

This time, I didn't need anything to numb the pain because it didn't hurt nearly as bad. He rubbed both of my cheeks with the soaked gauze and then put large Band-Aids on each cut.

"Now for your leg. Then we're done. Okay?" Jack said.

I nodded.

He threw away both used gauze pads and soaked a third one with the rubbing alcohol. He dragged it along the cut on my leg as I drank more vodka to ease the pain. When he was done, Jack placed dry gauze along that sound and wrapped it up with a roll of bandage.

"Okay, I'm done." Jack said, looking me in the eyes.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and looked him in the eyes, returning the stare. "Are you good?" Jack asked, taking the now nearly empty flask from my hand. "Jeez, you drank a lot of that. Hopefully you don't get a nasty hangover." With that, Jack took the last sip of vodka and put the flask in the sink.

"Kaela, you want to go upstairs to your room?" Jack asked, returning from the kitchen.

I nodded. Jack walked over to the closet being me and pulled out a crutch. "Here. This might help you get around with that nasty cut on your leg. I'll call the doctor and see if I can get you in tomorrow. Sound good?"

"Yeah." I said, taking the crutch from him and honking my way upstairs.

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