Chapter 3: Blackout

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"Kaela we're finally out of here! I can't believe it!" Tyler squealed excitedly after I closed out door.

"I know! Grab your bag and fill it with whatever you can grab!" I replied.

I threw my duffle bag into my bed and raised our closet. Tyler and I shared her clothes because we were the same size. I picked a few of her plaid flannels, dark colored shirts, and jeans without ripped knees. I also took out my black hoodies and my extra pair of shoes, my black Converse.

I folded all of it up and crammed it into my bag. I pulled my phone charger out of the outlet and wrapped it up into an oval. It fit easily into the small pocket on the inside of my duffle bag.

My phone fit into my pocket, my brush and flattening iron fit in next to my clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste crammed in a bag that was shoved next to my flattener.

It was a little difficult zipping up my duffle bag, but I managed to. Tyler was zipping up her suitcase as I headed for the door.

When we got downstairs, Ruby, Jenny, and Emily were waiting for us.

"Move it, Ruby." I tried to shove past her, put she shoved me to the floor.

"No, you little bi-"

"Say it. I. Dare. You." I narrowed my eyes at her as I stood up.

"B****." Ruby narrowed her eyes back at me.

"That's it!"

I swung at her, but she ducked. Jenny and Emily ran for it. Ruby punched my eye, definitely going to leave a mark. I was shoved to the ground and she began chocking me. I desperately struggled to stop her as I watched Tyler run to get Ms. Alice.

"Get off her!" Jack shoved Ruby off of me and she scrambled to her feet and ran. Jack held his hand out to help me up. "You alright Kaela? Oh my god! Your eye!"

Tyler ran up behind him as he examined my left eye. "Its fine Jack. I'm fine."

"No you're not. You have a black eye and its bleeding too. My god. Let's get your stuff and go to the doctor." Jack wiped away part of the large stream of blood running down my face that I hadn't noticed.

I hadn't noticed how much blood I was actually losing. I began to cough a little. Then I couldn't stop. I wasn't able to get air. Jack was shaking me and saying my name trying to get me to stop. But then I ran out of air. I fell to the ground.


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