The Quarter-Finals

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Don't ask me why, but I could see Papyrus dancing to this. Plus the lyrics kind of sound like Papyrus (I was going to save this song for later but i really wanted to listen to it now)


The curtains rose revealing a single spotlight.

Beneath that single spotlight posed a dashingly handsome robot.

He opened an eye and hummed in delight before opening his arms to embrace the cheers of his adoring fans.

"Welcome darlings, to the first round of the MTT Dance Competition~" He declared, flashing a daring smile at the crowd.

Screams and cheers erupted as fans started cheering his name.

"Please welcome our guest panelist as well darlings," Mettaton motioned elegantly towards the panelist.

In the panel section sat a rather disgruntled looking Alphys and a uncomfortable Asgore. Both waved awkwardly as the spotlight shone into their eyes before returning to Mettaton.

"But Darlings, the decision is not theirs alone... oh no, not at all. Tonight you shall all be voting for your favourite performers~" Mettaton paused dramatically as the crowd's pitch seemed to explode.

Smirking Mettaton bowed, "Well, without further ado let us bring out our first competitor."

The crowd hushed in anticipation, "You all saw her perform in the auditions with a burning passion and now she is back to fight her way to the next round. Please put your hands together for... UNDYNE~"

The crowd began chanting Undyne's name as the stage lights blacked out.

In a flash the stage was engulfed by light and in the center stood Undyne at attention. The music began and with such ferocity the fish lady began to dance. She tumbled, she flipped, she kicked and the crowd loved it. Half way through the performance she pulled off the restricting jacket with a growl and a smirk of relief as she dove into the final part of dance much to Mettaton's dismay (he liked that jacket).

Panting, Undyne held her final pose as the crowd shouted and yelled words of amazement. Undyne smirked and raised her hands above her head, "Heck yeah, bring it punks!"

The crowd loved it. They burst into another chant as she strode of stage.

Mettaton reappeared once again, "Now, for our next competitor~"

-_- -_- -_- -_- -_-

Frisk watched in amazement as Undyne performed.

Sans sat beside her, "heh, she did a good job. i see why mettaton put her on first. she really winds up the audience."

The duo watched as the dog couple came out and performed some type of elaborate swing. As they finished, with a lot less but still a rather thunderous applause, the next competitor was called.

"Papyrus, your next. Please take your place," Called the same stressed cat-like monster Frisk had seen last time, Burgerpants.

Papyrus was practically buzzing with energy as he made his way to the side of the stage.

"good luck, bro," Sans called out.

"THANK YOU BROTHER. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND THE HUMAN AS WELL," Papyrus called out before rushing out onto the stage.

Papyrus was filled with energy as he moved across the stage in a eloquent moves. His entire figure swayed and bopped to the music. The golden tassels of his pants moved well in the light, surprisingly the entire outfit seemed to suit him well. Papyrus twisted and stepped in time to the music before twirling into a final pose.

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