The First Practise

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Sans had to admit this girl sure was amazing. Not only could she dance but she also had a great sense of humor.

'Plus she's cute too...'

Sans felt his cheek bones turn blue. 'What the hell am i thinking... concentrate Sans. Now is not the time to start thinking of your dance partner as cute.'

Sans was glad his back was to Frisk so that she wouldn't notice his glowing blue face. As a distraction he began to sort through his cds before finding the song he had chosen the night before. Placing the cd into the stereo he switched to the track. He let it play quietly and turned to face Frisk.

"Okay so we have exactly three days to get a dance together. We aren't going to be able to create a new performance or learn the same style in that time," Sans stated. Knowing very well that it would be impossible with such little time. "However if you dance the way you did last night I'll work out how to mold our two styles together."

Frisk nodded nervously however a glimmer of determination was still noticable amongst those feelings.

Sans smiled at her and gave her the thumbs up, "We're going to use this track so just do what you feel you need to do and I'll watch. You'll be awesome."

He pressed the back button and the music began to play from the start. Frisk took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She stood in a nuetral position before rising to her toes. Sans watched quietly as she moved. She seemed to adjust well to the music.

Sans felt his soul flutter as she danced but he did not move to join her. As the music finished Sans clapped. Frisk graced him with a shy smile and a curtsey.

"Was that okay?" She asked nervously.

Sans smirked, "Tibia honest with ya kid... that was amazing."

Frisk giggled before playfully punching his arm, "You bonehead."

Sans winked at her before resetting the track.

As the music started again Frisk took her position and closed her eyes. Sans took place beside her. The music began and Frisk repeated her dance. This time however Sans attempted to dance beside her. He moved to the beat whilst being mindful of Frisks moves.

As the song ended they both ended their seperate dances. Something was strange, awkward about their dance. It hadn't been horrible but it felt as though it was missing something. It was less like they were partners and mpre like two seperate dancers dancing beside each other but in different worlds of their own.

Sans rubbed his neck. He had been looking forward to dancing beside Frisk but... It hadn't been what he had hoped.

"Heh, we might need to work on this, Kid," He mumbled. Frisk mumbled in agreement.

Sans smirked, "I'm sure we'll be fine by Friday though."

They continued to practise, trying different combinations. By the end they were both puffing from exhaustion amd grim from their lack of success. Grillby had popped in to silently check on them once or twice but was gone again.

Frisk gathered her gear and waited for Sans. Once they left the studio Frisk and Sans were both surprised to see the sun had set a long time ago. Frisk muttered to herself however Sans managed to pick up a few words.

"Mom is going to be worried..." She stared out at the dark street.

Sans rubbed his shoulder awkwardly, "Hey kid, i can walk youhome if you want."

Frisk gave him a wary look, "I don't live in this district... it's quite a walk."

"Oh... which one?"

"The Ruins." She mumbled.

Sans took a moment to process her words. 'The Ruins... she doesn't look like she would come from such a rundown dump.'

"Never would have pegged you as a Ruins kid," He said.

Frisk smiled, "Well, I'm just full of surprises."

Sans chuckled. "Well kiddo, you're in luck. I just happen to know a shortcut to the Ruins," Sans winked at her. "So where abouts do you live kiddo?"

"Near the old bakery," Frisk stuttered.

Before she could say anything more the skeleton grabbed her arm and everything went black before she was suddenly standing in front of the old bakery.

"H-how..." She stuttered.

Sans winked at her mysteriously, "I told you I knew a shortcut."

Sans looked around and frowned (as much as one can when they are a skeleton). "Don't tell me you live on the street kid."

Frisk laughed, having gotten over sense of vertigo from Sans's 'shortcut', "No silly. I live over there." She pointed towards the purple brick house standing among crumbling buidlings. Sans sighed in relief.

"Welp, I'd love to stick around and say hi to your family but sadly Paps can't sleep without his bed time story."

Frisk laughed, "It's alright. Tell your brother I said hello."

Sans told her he would before walking down an alley. When frisk checked she saw he had vanished.

'He's one strange skeleton... but he's a good guy.' Frisk thought to herself with a smule before opening the door to the little purple house.

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