The Conversation Pt 1

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And I'm back.

Sorry for the lack of updates but i was at Supanova~ (An Australian Comic, gaming, anime ect convention.

Anyway on to the story~

Frisk's day had began as normal, albiet Flowey's morning welcome had been less cutting then normal. Toriel was happy that she had found a new friend to share her passion of dancing with and showed interest in meeting Frisk's dance partner on multiple occasions.

School had been relatively normal as well. Monster kid still went on about an amazing dancer named 'Undyne'. He seemed a little... obsessed... with the fish-like monster but Frisk listened to her friend patiently whenever the topic was brought up. Truthfully Frisk's liked the idea of meeting the capoeira  dancer one day.

Arriving home from school she noticed Flowey was watching her. A strange emotion on his features as he studied her.

"What's wrong, Flowey?" She asked.

The Flowey was silent for a few seconds as he debated whether to voice his thoughts. "Have you told him," He asked finally.

Frisk froze for a moment, "Told who what, Flowey?"

A disapproving look was sent her way. "You know what I mean, Frisk. Have you told you're dance partner about your s-".

A loud thump interrupted the flower as Frisk placed her school bag on her desk. Her fringe hid her eyes from Flowey but the thin line her lips had pressed into and quivering chin told him she was upset. Not that it surprised Flowey. This topic had always been a touchy one for the human.

"Frisk... I know you don't like talking about it but..." Flowey began. Frisk turned her back to the flower. "I won't have to tell him... because I won't let it happen," She told him, her voice cracking with emotion.

Flowey looked away in shame as Frisk marched out of the room, he hadn't meant to upset her... he was worried that if anything went wrong that Frisk would get hurt.

The flower looked out the bedroom window as he spoke beneath his breath, "He better not hurt her."

-_- -_- -_-

Having calmed down finally Frisk collected her duffle bag and changed into more dance appropriate clothing. She left without a word to Flowey. Toriel was still at the school and would be for another hour or so Frisk left a letter telling her Mom where she would be.

As she closed the door behind her she noticed the handyman who occasionally came by to do maintenance on their house when Toriel wasn't around. He was a similar monster to Toriel but slightly taller and with yellow tuffs of hair for a beard. Frisk only knew him as Mr. D (or fluffybuns as the kids occassionally called him). He had first appeared when Frisk started living there. Toriel would always tell him to go away but he'd come back the next day. Frisk had been to young to understand why and truthfully the answer never really interested her so she never asked. After a while he started coming when Toriel wasn't home. Frisk had talked to him a few times. He was nice she had decided whenever he poured her a cup of golden flower tea from his canteen. Toriel knew he came by still but she didn't protestas loudly... usually just rolling her eyes whenever she came home to a fresh coat of paint on the walls.

Frisk waved to Mr. D as she adjusted the strap on her shoulder and began her walk to Grillbys.

As she walked along she had the strange feeling that someone was following her however when she looked back she couldn't spot a single person. She kept trudging along, conscious of the fact that she could still feel the presence of someone following her. Suddenly there was an audible crack as a stick snapped behind her. Frisk froze, unable to will herself to turn around. A deep voice boomed behind her, "Hey, Human. Don't you know how to greet a new friend? Turn arpund and take my hand."

Frisk gulped and closed her eyes as she turned around and met the hand of the person behind her. Their hand was hard and thin... and soft.

'Wait a min-'


Frisk's eyes opened in surprise as she stared at the beaming skeleton behind her. Relief washed over the human as she laughed.

Struggling to keep a stern face Frisk 'scolded' the short skeleton, "Sans! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Sans chuckled while rubbing his neck, "sorry kid... didn't mean to scare you like that. actually i came here to see if you wanted a lift to grillbys?"

"By using a shortcut?"

"eh, not quite kid..." Sans said.

A car horn caught Frisk's attention. Looking past Sans she noticed a red car pulled up by the curb and an extremely excitable skeleton waving at her. "HELLO HUMAN, IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU ONCE AGAIN. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS COME TO GIVE YOU A LIFT!" Papyrus shouted.

Frisk giggled as a hint of blue dusted Sans cheeks, "i... i um thought having someone watch us who could give us pointers would be good..."

Frisk smiled at the skeleton, "That's a good idea, Sans."

Sans's face seemed to become more noticeably blue. Before Frisk could adress this though the honking of a car horn interrupted them.

Clearing his throat Sans motioned towards the car, "we better get going... he might annoy the entire neighbourhood if we make him wait any longer."

Frisk agreed as they made their way towards the vehicle.

-_- -_- -_-

Hey guys so I planned for this chapter to be longer but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible and I'm about to go see Guardian's of the Galaxy II so here's the first half. The second half will be up soon~

Catch Me If I Fall (Dancetale AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora