The Chance

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"BROTHER, I- YOUR MOST SPECTACULAR BROTHER PAPYRUS- HAVE AMAZING NEWS FOR YOU!!!" Exclaimed a rather excited Papyrus as he practically kicked down his brother's door.

Sans, who had only seconds ago been napping, opened an eye socket, "Heh, what is it Paps?"

As if to answer his question Papyrus shoved a peice of paper in to sans's face a huge smile plastered onto his skull. Sans warily took the paper and read it his eyes trained steadily on the writing before he glanced at his younger brother, "Is this... is this real Papyrus? Or are you just trying to pull my funny bone?"

Papyrus placed a skeletal hand on his puffed out chest as he posed, scarf blowing in the nonexistant wind, "OF COURSE BROTHER, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WOULD NEVER PLAY SUCH A DISTASTEFUL PRANK ON YOU."

Sans felt his soul flutter excitedly behind his rib cage. This poster was the key... the key to reaching his goals, his dreams. Papyrus was watching him with a mixture of anxiety and excitement in his eyes (if thats what you'd call them).

Sans grinned, not just his normal grin, but one that seemed to spread from one side of his skull to the other his eyes shining in determination. "Paps... we are going dancing."

Papyrus gave a quick yell of excitement as he practically bounced out of sans room and into his own. Sans launched himself off of his bed and gathered up his duffle bag inside he placed a collection of cds, a sweat towel, a spare change of clothes and a drink bottle. He then changed into a pair of sweat pants, a white shirt and his blue hoody. Lastly he grabbed a pair of sneakers. He caught his mobile phone from the trash-nado where it had been swooped up. He dailed the first contact on his list (after Papyrus that is) and waited.

-_- -_- -_-

After the call had concluded Sans grabbed his duffle bag as he heard Papyrus's door open. Sans exited his own room noticing Papyrus had -amazingly- changed from his usual battle body into what could only be described as a spanish dancers attire.

"WHERE TO BROTHER?" Papyrus demanded/asked.

Sans chuckled at his brothers apparent excitement, "To Grillbys."

-_- -_- -_-

Papyrus pulled up out the back of Grillbys. There stood a very hot (winkity wonk) humanoid monster. He was leaning against the wall of the establishment cleaning the lenses of his glasses. He looked up at the brothers as they exited the car and walked towards him. Without a word he led them through a back door into a large room. Large mirrors lined one wall, a cd player was plugged into the corner.  "Thanks for letting us use the studio with such short notice Grillby," Sans told his flaming friend.

Though Grillby didn't speak much sans understood that he was more than happy to oblige to his friends request.

The studio that the three monsters stood in was situated behind Grillby's bar. It was owned by the flame monster himself but was open to the community. Mainly dance lessons were held there for the children too poor to go to one of the many dance academies in the City of Ebbot and who were unlucky (or lucky depending on how you saw it) enough to live in the outskirts of the city in the more slum like areas. It wasn't horrible living there... but it sure as hell wasn't always easy.

Grillby had built the place with the help of the locals as a way of lighting up the area and everyone had been more then happy to help. The brother's had also helped with the construction of the studio and were frequent visitors.

Sans was brought out of his wandering thoughts when he noticed Grillby pointing to the paper in sans hand. Sans handed the page to Grillby thanking whoever had invented flameproof paper. Grillby scimmed over the pages contents before looking at Sans.

"Yeah, Paps and I plan to enter," Sans answered the question the Grillby had  mentally posed. Grillby nodded in understanding, flames trailing behind. Grillby looked down at the watch on his hand before handing the page back to Sans, signalling that he had to go.

Papyrus was happily setting up the cd player. "SANS YOU CAN GO FIRST OF YOU WOULD LIKE," Papyrus called ober his shoulder.

Sans smirked,"Thanks, Bro."

He glanced down at the page in his hand. It was purple with a large spotlight shining down and words plastered in glittery pink letters:


Sans gripped the poster in his boney fist, this was his chance to finally make it big and he wasn't going to let it pass him by.

Hey thanks for reading first chapter of my Dancetale fanfic. Hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be coming promptly~

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