Chapter 16

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We are about o leave but Ethan got a text, "I see my last few attempts haven't worked but I assure you this will" We all knew who it was Ethan texted back, "How the hell did you get this number and what do you mean this is will?" Jeremy responded back quickly, "Well Tracey over here was kind enough to let me in your lovely home and told me your number, now she's hostage unless you turn yourselves in." Ethan stopped texting, "Damn it! Now what are we going to do?" Grayson spoke up," how about I fly around and get some vampires to help us." Ethan said, "That's I good idea Gray, I keep forgetting you can do that." I was confused, "Wait, you said fly, how are you going to do that!?" Ethan responded, "Gray can transform into a raven, hawk, or eagle. It's a special ability he got when he was born. It's very rare though so that's why very few vampires can do it." "That's so cool!" I exclaimed. Grayson smiled, " Okay so you guys wait here for 5-10 minutes to give me a head start and then drive to the house." Ethan and I nodded our heads in agreement. We went outside and found a place where no one could see us, when we were sure no one was watching he transformed into a hawk, he then flew away. Ethan got another text, "Did you guys give up yet😏" Ethan looked at me, "How do I answer?" I don't put my hand out and he gave me the phone, "We're thinking but you may win 😔" Ethan took the phone back and asked, "Why would you text that?" I answered him, "We have to make him think he's winning, so the back up story when we get there and Grayson isn't there with us, we have to say he didn't want to turn himself in so we argued and told him he had to or Tracy would die, but he left and ran away, does that sound good?" "Wow a witch, a cheater, and a lier, what other evil things can you do?" Ethan exclaimed. I answered back smirking, "You'll just have to wait and see. How much more time do we have to wait?" Ethan checked his phone, "8 minutes" he said, "Okay now the good stuff while we wait." Ethan smirked. I looked at him confused, "What do you mean, 'good stuff'?" Ethan still smirking said, "Like what's going on between you and Grayson. " As soon as he said this I felt like I blushed, " Uhh...there's's nothing." Damn it blushing and tongue tied, wait to give yourself away. Ethan said, "Yes there is, you 2 like each other. I'm not stupid, when you tired to leave and Grayson told me to go home I sped behind a tree to make it look like I left and I heard everything and saw some things too, if you know what I mean." Ethan raised his eyebrows. I gave him a dirty look, which made him chuckle, then he said, "Why don't you two just date if you know you both like each other." I tried avoiding it, "I think it's been 8 minutes we should leave." Ethan sighed, "Fine. But we still have a car ride, this chat isn't over." I rolled my eyes and walked to the car. I turned on the radio to try to get the music to distract him. But instead of music it's was all news reports. That didn't distract Ethan so he said while turning off the radio, "Do answer my question" I tried buying myself time, "Why?" Ethan laughed, " Stop stalling! Just answer the question!" I sighed and decided to tell him. "Because right now with everything happening it's not a good time, what if one of us dies, that would suck, and because I don't know if I'm staying when this is over. But believe I would date Grayson, he's perfect." After this Ethan just said, "Oh" and the rest of the ride was silent. 

Punished: Grayson Dolan Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now