Chapter 10

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The next morning when I woke up I remembered where I was and everything that happened. Then I also realized how much danger I was putting the twins in because of my step dad. I gathered my things and got out the door I crossed the street into the woods, I got in a bit when someone zipped past me at the speed of light. I turned around, nothing I turned around again and started walking until I was blocked by someone standing in front of me, I looked up to see Ethan with his arms crossed, he spoke, " What are you doing!? Grayson is worried sick. I would sneak in the house and come up with an excuse before he...." Before he could finish there was another figure standing next to Ethan. Of course! It was Grayson, Ethan finished silently, " before that happened" Grayson spoke, " Ethan can you please go back to the house?" Ethan looked back from me and Grayson, we were both staring at each other, Ethan answered, "Uhh sure...." He then vamp sped away. Grayson asked, "Why did you leave?" I answered back agitated, "Why do you care?" He clenched his jaw, " Don't answer a question with I question, but if you really want to know the answer is IDK. I guess because I can. Okay I answered now it's your turn." I just sighed and said, "Do you really want to know?" He nodded, I sighed again, "Fine, the reason I'm leaving is you..." He cute off, " WHAT?!" I shushed him, " Jeez, would you let me finish! Okay so what I was going to say, but was interrupted, was you, because you and Ethan don't deserved to be dragged into this, the second reason is I'm going to turn myself in, you were right I can't run that would only increase my punishment when I eventually got caught, I can't stay here bc you and Ethan shouldn't be involved, so the only choice is to leave and turn myself in for him." Grayson spoke right after I finished, "We chose to get involved when I took the phone from your hands. You're not forcing us, we're choosing to. We're vampires, not only that, but we're the head of the vampires." I protested, " You may be vampires but your not immortal, I can see, you know, and I know you don't wear rings bc you want to, you have to, all somebody has to do is take off your ring during the daytime and if you walk outside or are outside you burst into flames and burn to death, that also brings up that you can be killed in a fire, what about the other ways you can die too like being , stabbed with a wooden stake, and revane?" He protested but it took him a bit to come up with one, "We know the risks. I also know you would be stupid to turn yourself in. I care about you Crystal, I've liked you since the day I saved you from that guy." Okay now I was speechless, how could he like me, I knew I liked him back but still it was a shock, I finally spoke, " I like you to that's why I can't get you involved. But I have to go now. Nice meeting you and thx for letting me stay at your house for the night. Bye" I looked down and started to walked but he grabbed my wrist and did something totally unexpected.

Punished: Grayson Dolan Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now